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Homework Club

PLUS Programme Decretive Banner | Two students sitting in the grounds of UCC

What Is the Homework Club?

The PLUS Programme Homework Club is a programme whereby UCC students volunteer to be placed in a Cork city secondary school to help students with their homework. Volunteers will help junior cycle students (1st- 3rd years).

The Homework Club aims to provide academic support to junior cycle students. It is envisaged that tutors will provide additional academic support to students in an encouraging, motivating and fun environment. The Homework Club aims to foster closer relations between UCC and DEIS-linked schools while encouraging students to consider progression to the third level, particularly where there is little tradition of progression onto higher education.

What Is the Time Commitment?

Tutors are asked to commit to one Homework Club School/time slot for the full duration (5-7 weeks) in Semester 1 and/or Semester 2

You will be assigned to a Homework Club at the same school, on the same day on either:

  • Monday 15:00 - 17:30 
  • Tuesday 15:00 - 17:30
  • Wednesday 12:30 - 14:30 

Volunteers will remain in their assigned School & Day slot for the duration of the programme. We will do our best to offer students their 1st preference day/time slot; however, on occasion, it is not always possible.

Do I Have to Study the Curriculum Beforehand?

Volunteers do not need to know the Junior Cycle curriculum. The Homework Club's ethos is about showing students how to complete their homework correctly rather than doing the work for them. 

How Will I Get to the School I’ve Been Assigned To?

The PLUS Programme provides free coach transport and is available from UCC to the schools and back again from Gaol Cross.

Where Do I Find the Homework Club?

The Homework Club is located on the 1st floor, The Hub Building, UCC Main Campus, College Road, Cork, UCC.

Please contact  with your full name, surname and student number if you have any queries and we will get back to you within 1-2 working days during regular daytime office hours.

How Do I Apply?

Please note, applications for the homework club 24-25 are now closed. Check back in September 2025 to take part.  
Complete the 'Children First' Tusla Training

Please note, applications for the homework club 24-25 are now closed. Check back in September 2025 to take part.  
Complete the online registration form


After submitting the online registration form, the PLUS Programme will request that you be put forward for Garda Vetting. You will receive an email from GardaVetting once this has been done. (Please check your umail inbox and search your spam folder for the  search term It can take 4 to 6 weeks to complete the Garda Vetting Process.

Volunteers must attend a mandatory training session. Training dates will be released closer to the start date via an email from 

Access UCC

First Floor, The Hub, Main Campus, UCC, T12 YF78,
