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RIC Constable Frederick H. Lord

RIC Constable Frederick H. Lord (aged 33) from London (Mashanaglass near Carrigadrohid)

Date of incident: 8 April 1921

Sources: CCE, 16 April 1921; Military Inquests, WO 35/153A/44 (TNA); Monthly Summary of Outrages against the Police (CO 904/150, TNA); Charles Browne’s WS 873, 43; Appendix, 3 (BMH); ‘The Irish Rebellion in the 6th Division Area’, Irish Sword, 27 (Spring 2010), 145; Abbott (2000), 219-20; (accessed 28 July 2014).


Note: Lord was killed while on short leave by a dozen IRA men at Mashanaglass near Carrigadrohid (four miles east of Macroom) as he and another RIC constable were returning in a pony and trap from Macroom to their barracks at Carrigadrohid. Shot five times, Lord fell dead from the trap onto the road, but the other constable, though wounded, whipped the pony into a gallop and escaped in spite of being pursued for over half a mile by the attackers. Lord was scheduled to retire from the RIC on 21 April in order to emigrate to Canada. He had less than seven months of service with the RIC; he had previously been a soldier and an electrician. See Abbott (2000), 219-20. Volunteer Lieutenant John Powell of F Company of the Macroom Battalion was in command during this attack, which occurred on the Carrigadrohid-Macroom road. Powell led a Volunteer party of nine members—six from F Company and three from A Company. See Charles Browne’s WS 873, 43; Appendix, 3 (BMH).

The Irish Revolution Project

Scoil na Staire /Tíreolaíocht

University College Cork, Cork,
