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Civilian Daniel Casey

Civilian Daniel Casey (aged 30) of 13 Caroline Street, Cork city (13 Caroline Street, Cork)

Date of incident: 1 March 1921

Sources: CE, 2, 4 March 1921; FJ, 2 March 1921; II, 2, 3 March 1921; Military Inquests, WO 35/147A/49 (TNA).

Note: While in the house where he was a boarder, Casey was mortally wounded in the chest by a stray bullet fired by the soldiers pursuing five IRA men who had run away from a military search party in front of the Cork General Post Office. The woman whose boarding house it was told a military inquiry: ‘She heard shots and saw a soldier on the roof of a store opposite the back of her house. She heard the crash of glass downstairs, and shots, and heard Mr Casey say, “I’m shot”. She went down and saw him stagger into the first floor front room. A number of police and military rushed in and asked her if there was another man in the house. A soldier and policeman laid out Mr Casey and did all they could for him.’ He died of his wounds later the same day in the North Infirmary. See CE, 4 March 1921. Casey was an unmarried dock labourer.

The Irish Revolution Project

Scoil na Staire /Tíreolaíocht

University College Cork, Cork,
