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Volunteer Lieutenant Patrick Deasy

Volunteer Lieutenant Patrick Deasy (aged 16) of Kilmacsimon Quay near Bandon (Kilmichael ambush)

Date of incident: 28 Nov. 1920

Sources: II, 30 Nov. 1921; Patrick O’Brien’s WS 812, 14-17 (BMH); Timothy Keohane’s WS 1295, 5-7 (BMH); Michael O’Driscoll’s WS 1297, 4-5 (BMH); Edward Young’s WS 1402, 13-16 (BMH); Cornelius Kelleher’s WS 1654, 10-11 (BMH); Charles O’Donoghue’s WS 1607, 10 (BMH); Con Flynn’s WS 1621, 13-14 (BMH); Rebel Cork’s FS, 207; Barry (1949, 1989), 44-46, 236; Deasy (1973), 172, 176-77, 322; Last Post (1976), 75; Abbott (2000), 159; ‘The Irish Rebellion in the 6th Division Area’, Irish Sword, 27 (Spring 2010), 66; Kautt (2010), 99-118; Sheehan (2011), 14, 30, 121, 146; Ó hÉalaithe (2014), 273; Murphy (2014), 65-156; Castletown-Kinneigh Graveyard Monument.    


Note: The IRA acknowledged that it had suffered five casualties in the Kilmichael ambush—three dead and two wounded. Deasy served as the signaling lieutenant of the Bandon Battalion. From Kilmacsimon Quay near Bandon, he was the younger brother of Liam Deasy, adjutant and later O/C of the West Cork Brigade. ‘Quiet and serious beyond his years’, as Tom Barry recalled, ‘he was still a merry boy and a favourite with all the column. His enthusiasm for Volunteer work and training was exceptional, and when all others were tired out, he could be seen practising arms drill outside his billet. He had been ill for two days previously, and before we left [for Kilmichael], I had told him he would have to miss this fight.’ But the stubborn Pat Deasy travelled with the column nevertheless. See Barry (1949, 1989), 39. In his after-action report Tom Barry recorded that Deasy ‘was killed by a revolver bullet from one of the enemy whom he thought dead’. See ‘The Irish Rebellion in the 6th Division Area’, Irish Sword, 27 (Spring 2010), 66.

In 1911 he was one of the six children (all sons) of the Kilmacsimon labourer William Deasy and his wife Mary, a domestic servant and cook. A seventh child apparently died in infancy.

The Irish Revolution Project

Scoil na Staire /Tíreolaíocht

University College Cork, Cork,
