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European Regional Development Fund

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

The ERDF aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions. In short, the ERDF finances:

  • Direct aid to investments in companies (in particular SMEs) to create sustainable jobs;
  • Infrastructures linked notably to research and innovation, telecommunications, environment, energy and transport;
  • Financial instruments (capital risk funds, local development funds, etc.) to support regional and local development and to foster cooperation between towns and regions;
  • Technical assistance measures.

The ERDF can intervene in the three objectives of regional policy:

  • Convergence;
  • Regional Competitiveness and Employment;
  • European Territorial Cooperation.

Information on these three objectives is available on the European Commission Site

For further information on ERDF see the rules governing the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

and the ERDF in 2000 – 2006 programming

The National Strategic Reference Framework is Ireland's contract with the EU.  The framework is delivered through two Regional Operational Programmes, the Border-Midlands and Western (BMW) region & the South and East (S&E) region

Ireland is eligible to claim €376 million of ERDF funding between 2007 and 2013.  This is broken down between the regions as follows:

  • €229 million - BMW region
  • €147 million - S&E region

Regulatory Background

 Regulations & Circulars that should be read in conjunction with the 

UCC Procedures Manual for ERDF (Version 1.8) 

  • EC No 1080/2006 - Topic: ERDF Regulation  
  • EC No 1083/2006 - Topic: General Regulation: Management and control systems, eligibility and audit trail
  • EC 1828/2006 - Topic: Implementation Regulation: Information and publicity measures, management and control systems, eligibility, irregularities and disconformities



UCC and the European Regional Development Fund

Compliance, Financial Management & Controls

University College Cork’s UCC Procedures Manual - ERDF Manual Version 1.8 depicts the role of UCC in relation to the implementation of the European Union Structural Funds Programmes 2007-2013 under Ireland’s National Strategic Reference Framework (NRSF).  The NRSF has two themes, the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The aim of this ERDF Procedures Manual is to ensure that regulatory requirements are met and to overcome any weakness in the area of financial management and control of the Structural Funds.  The manual will provide guidance and give details of responsibilities, tasks and procedures for personnel involved in the implementation of EU co-financed activity. 

See also -

UCC Expenditure Declarations (B0 & B1)

UCC returns Expenditure Declarations (claims) to the funding bodies HEA and Enterprise Ireland under a number of funding sub-measures or strands under which ERDF expenditure declarations can be returned:

Under the HEA, in the Southern & Eastern (S&E) geographical region, which includes UCC, declarations can be returned under:

  • PRTLI Cycles 3, 4 & 5 (recurrent and capital elements)
  • Research Equipment Renewal Scheme 2007
  • Research Facilities Enhancement Scheme 2008

Within Enterprise Ireland, in the Southern & Eastern (S&E) geographical region, declarations can be returned under:

  • PC – Proof of Concept
  • CFTD – Commercialisation Fund Technology Development
  • CP – Commercialisation Plus
  • IP – Innovation Partnerships
  • IR – International Research Fund
  • CC – Competence Centres

Information & Publicity Requirements under ERDF Funding

Refer to Regulatory Background (Guidelines section) above. 

UCC beneficiaries of ERDF funding should contact the Office of VP for Research for further guidance on adherence to ERDF Requirements on Information & Publicity

Procurement Requirements under ERDF Funding

Refer to Regulatory Background (Guidelines section) above.

UCC beneficiaries should also refer to the UCC Research Procurement Procedures Manual

UCC beneficiaries of ERDF funding should contact the Procurement Office for further guidance on adherence to ERDF Requirements.   

UCC's Contacts for ERDF

Capital Funding

Capital Accounting

Recurrent Funding 

Research, Grants & Contracts Office

Procurement & Contracts Office – Procurement Requirements

Information & Publicity Requirements

Buildings & Estates Office

Finance Office

Oifig an Airgeadais

North Wing, Main Quadrangle, University College Cork, Cork T12 K8AF
