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How Does My Department / PI Pay My Fees?


This form is for students in receipt of either department or research funding. This F1 form allows a student’s tuition fee to be charged to a department or a research code. Student/relevant department/research centre can download this form and complete or make a copy and type in all necessary details, but original signatures are required. Please complete one form per student, per year.

Check Notes For Students

  • Please ensure that the F1 form has been completed and signed by your school/department. 
  • When registering online, at the Fees Section please select ‘Funded’. From the list of funding options select ‘R’ (Research/Tyndall funding). You will then receive an email asking you to confirm your funding and upload a copy of your fully completed F1 form. Once uploaded, this is all that's required for the Fees Office to process your funding.
  • Ensure an F1 form is processed each year you register to indicate that your fees are funded.
  • You should be registered first before submitting your form for completion by your department/research centre.
  • Registration on line - Print your ‘confirmation of registration’ and forward it to relevant person approving your F1 form.
  • It is important that the F1 form is uploaded at registration – please note that it must be signed off in full before submission.

Check Notes for UCC Department /Research Staff

  • If ‘F1’ form is not completed in full, it will be returned to the department/research centre.
  • Please ensure you include a department name and contact number, should there be any queries in relation to the form.
  • The correct cost centre is used and the correct research code is active so fees can be charged.
  • All F1 forms in relation to Tyndall students must be signed by Aidan O'Toole or Anne O' Keeffe. 
  • Once the form is fully completed please supply a copy to the student for his/her records.

Fees Office

Oifig na dTáillí

Fees Office, North Wing, Main Quadrangle, University College Cork
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