Code | SS6810 |
Duration | 8 weeks |
Teaching Mode | Part-Time. See Additional Teaching Mode Information for more info. |
Fees | €395 See Fees and Costs for full details. |
Closing Date | 13/09/2024 |
Course Delivery Method | Online |
Venue | This module will be delivered online. |
Credits | 5 |
Start Date | 07/10/2024 |
Inclusion, diversity and equality are core strategic objectives of all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This module draws upon and builds on the innovative methodologies and practices of the two programmes in the id+ Project at UCC which provide inclusive, co-learning educational opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities (ID). Prospective PATH 4 funding will support other HEIs to develop similar educational opportunities for people with ID.
This module provides core information and skills to build capacity in inclusive education for educators working in in further and higher education. Participants will receive practical strategies to include learners with ID and facilitate co-learning with, and between, students with ID and other student cohorts.
The module draws together academic and practice material to provide a platform for staff in HEIs to begin the process of designing curriculum and developing innovative methodologies and practices to include students with ID in mainstream learning settings. It is anticipated those skills will apply beyond students with ID as third-level settings embrace and practice inclusion, thus benefitting all learners.
Additional Teaching Mode Information
Participants will be expected to spend 10 hours per week engaging with course material. There will be 3 scheduled meetings over the 8 weeks of the module. Otherwise, participants are free to engage flexibly at whatever times suit them best, for 10 hours per week.
The goal of this module is to build capacity for inclusive education across Irish higher and further education. The module will encompass:
- the principles and values of inclusive education
- competencies and skills for inclusive education, and
- resources to work in this area.
This course will be delivered by Prof. Máire Leane and Dr Nicola Maxwell, with additional input from a range of staff, students and other stakeholders involved in UCC’s id+ Project.
Why Choose
This module will appeal to anyone interested in meaningful inclusion for students with intellectual disabilities in higher or further education. In particular, it will benefit institutions awarded funding under PATH 4 Phase 2. The fully online format allows educators teaching in this sector to participate from anywhere.
On successful completion of this module, participants should be able to:
- Recognise and identify models of inclusive education and learning from a rights-based perspective.
- Identify skills, practices and competencies for inclusive curriculum design.
- Apply skills and competencies that promote co-creation of knowledge with students with intellectual disabilities and their peers.
- Develop creative approaches to assessment.
- Engage diverse and creative teaching methodologies to foster inclusive learning environments.
- Facilitate and engage in collaboration and co-learning with students with intellectual disabilities and their peers in curriculum design, teaching, learning and assessment.
- Level 7 or 8 QQI degree and interest/experience in developing inclusive education learning options for students with intellectual disabilities in further and higher education.
- Must be teaching in further or higher education
- Must have technical capacity to engage with the module online.
Fees and Costs
How To Apply
Please select the following options during your online application (once you have created your profile)
Start a new Micro-credentials application by selecting as below
In the application level tab select the options above and then select the programme/module you'd like to apply for
Apply Now