RIBA President's Silver Medal "Serjeant Prize" success for Áine Walker
We are delighted to announce that Áine Walker of the Centre for Architectural Education - MArch student 2019-2020: Lisbon - has been awarded the distinguished "Serjeant Prize" in the Royal Institute of British Architects [RIBA] President's Silver Medal Awards 2020.
Developed under the year thematic "City as Odyssey" which sought to encourage critical new architectural proposals for Lisbon - by understandings the tension between the experience of space (the real) and the conception of space (the ideal) and between the fictional and the logical - her proposal "Anamnesis: Connective (Re)Collections" investigates the connective agent of storytelling in architectural drawing and social practices. It proposed a new Bazaar-like urban space for the city that formally shifts between urban artefact (Baixa Pombalina) and material object (restored dolls, curious cabinet displays) - producing a social interface and heterogeneous space where hierarchies are displaced in a welter of gestures, (written) words, and sounds.
More details can be found here