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Young Scientist Award - IWC 2014

12 Sep 2014
Young Scientist Award - IWC 2014

Eve Mulcahy won 1st place in the Young Scientist Competition at the 7th International Whey Conference (IWC) held in Rotterdam on 7-9th September.



Eve is a postgraduate student in the Food Ingredients Research Group in the School of Food and Nutritional Sciences and is co-supervised by Dr Seamus O’Mahony and Prof Donal Mulvihill.

Eve presented her poster on Functional properties of whey protein-maltodextrin conjugates prepared by wet and dry heating methods in a 5 minute oral format to the plenary session of the conference. The conference was attended by an international audience of over 600 delegates from academia and industry.

Eve is in year 3 of her PhD at UCC, working on a 4 year project entitled Development of novel whey ingredients by protein-carbohydrate conjugation. This project is funded by the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine through the Food Institutional Research Measure.

The International Whey Conference is held every 3 years and is a major international event providing excellent opportunities for whey processing and application industries to meet with scientists, academics and researchers to exchange knowledge and new ideas in a stimulating environment. The conference scope includes: sources and quality of whey; whey processing; the whole range of whey based products and their applications; functionalities of whey products; health and nutrition aspects of whey products in food and feed; proteins in whey; lactose and other carbohydrates in whey; potential of whey as food/feed ingredient; expected customer needs; marketing challenges and the relevance of whey applications for sustainability.

The Food Ingredients Research Group at UCC presented 3 oral and 3 poster presentations in total at this important international Conference, with contributions from Dr Seamus O’Mahony, Prof Daniel Mulvihill, Prof Alan Kelly, Eve Mulcahy, Kamil Drapala, Veronica Caldeo, Shane Crowley and Tom O’Callaghan.

School of Food and Nutritional Sciences

School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Room 240 Food Science Building, University College, Cork
