School of Engineering involved in new European consortium research project
A new European consortium research project called “HVDC4ISLANDS” begins this December. This project addresses a key technological challenge in future electricity grids, which is developing high-voltage direct current (HVDC) and hybrid alternating/direct current (AC/DC) technologies for integrating offshore wind and other forms of renewable energy. HVDC4ISLANDS will develop and test new electrical designs for "Energy Islands", renewable energy hubs intended to accelerate the transition to clean energy. Dr. Barry Hayes and UCC School of Engineering PhD student Amina Tahseen are involved in the project, which is co-hosted by MaREI and the UCC School of Engineering.
HVDC4ISLANDS is funded by SEAI via the Joint Clean Energy Transition Partnership. UCC are one of nine partners in the consortium, which is made up of renewable energy companies and leading European research institutions in the field including IMDEA Energy (Spain), SINTEF (Norway), RWTH Aachen (Germany), National Technical University of Athens (Greece), and the Austrian Institute of Technology.