Professor Jarka Glassey Appointment as Adjunct Professor
UCC School of Engineering are delighted to welcome Professor Jarka Glassey as Eli Lilly Adjunct Professor in Biopharmaceutical Engineering. Professor Glassey has been appointed to the role for a three year period from 1 September 2019 until 2022 and works at the School of Engineering at Newcastle University.
Professor Jarka is pictured above with Professor Edmond Byrne, Chair of Process & Chemical Engineering who welcomed her appointment: “We are delighted that Professor Glassey has embarked with us in helping develop biopharmaceutical engineering at UCC along with some other Eli Lilly supported appointees; Jarka brings international expertise at the highest level in biopharmaceutical and biochemical engineering as well as in chemical engineering education, and we look forward to collaborating closely with her and gaining from her insights and drive in these areas.”
Professor Glassey graduated as a biochemical engineer with degrees from STU Bratislava and Newcastle University. She is Executive Vice President of ESBES (European Society for Biochemical Engineering Sciences) and is immediate past Secretary of the Working Party on Education of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers. She has been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship and a Principal Fellow of HEA in the UK in recognition of her contribution to teaching.