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2007 Publications

Performance Analysis for Overlay Multicast on Tree and M-D Mesh Topologies by Wanqing Tu. . In Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2007, Glasgow, Scotland, June 2007.
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The D-Systems Project - Wireless Sensor Networks for Car-Park Management by J. Barton, , B. O'Flynn, J. Benson, J. Buckley, T. O'Donovan, C. O'Mathuna, U. Roedig . In Proceedings of 65th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2007), IEEE Computer Society Press, April 2007.
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Distributed End Host Multicast Algorithms for The Knowledge Grid by Wanqing Tu, Jogesh K. Muppala and Hai Zhuge. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2007.
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On the Effects of Aggregation on Reliability in Sensor Networks by J. Benson, U. Roedig, A. Barroso, . In Proceedings of 65th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2007), IEEE Computer Society Press, April 2007. Download: (unavailable)
Exploiting Proximity in Cooperative Download of Large Files in Peer-to-Peer Networks by Lei Zhang, Jogesh K. Muppala and Wanqing Tu. In Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW'07), Morne, Mauritius, May 2007.
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Embedded Networked Sensors  by (Ed.), 4th International Workshop, EmNets 2007, Cork, Ireland, June 25-26 2007, Proceedings. ACM Press, ISBN 978-1-59593-694-3.
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Adding preemption to tinyos

 Adding preemption to tinyos  Cormac Duffy, Utz Roedig, John Herbert and . In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors (EmNets 2007), University College Cork, Ireland. ACM Digital Library, June 2007.

Improving the Energy Efficiency of the MANTIS Kernel

Improving the Energy Efficiency of the MANTIS Kernelby C. Duffy, U. Roedig, J. Herbert, C.J. Sreenan. In Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), IEEE Computer Society Press, January 2007.

A Study on Data Aggregation and Reliability in Managing Wireless Sensor Networks

A Study on Data Aggregation and Reliability in Managing Wireless Sensor Networks by S. Brown, . Proc. Of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS) - Workshop on Protocols and Algorithms for Reliable and Data Intensive Sensor Networks, October 2007.

An Experimental Comparison of Event Driven and Multi-Threaded Sensor Node Operating Systems

An Experimental Comparison of Event Driven and Multi-Threaded Sensor Node Operatby Cormac Duffy, Utz Roedig, John Herbert, . In Proceedings of Third IEEE International Workshop on Sensor Networks and Systems for Pervasive Computing (PERSENS2007), IEEE Computer Society Press, March 2007

Reliability control for aggregation in wireless sensor networks

Reliability control for aggregation in wireless sensor networks by Jonathan P. Benson, Tony O'Donovan, Utz Roedig and . In Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications 2007, October 2007.

Worst-Case Delay Control in Multi-Group Overlay Networks

Worst-Case Delay Control in Multi-Group Overlay Networks  by Wanqing Tu, and W. Jia. IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2007.

Mobile and Internet Systems Laboratory

Department of Computer Science, Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, Ireland.
