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Take 90 Minutes: Perfecting your presentations for online delivery
Participant Group: All UCC Staff
Facilitator: UCC Skills Centre
- Be able to prepare a presentation
- Know how to frame yourself and the presentation for online delivery
- Understand how to deliver a presentation, including the technical requirements/issues you may run into
Date: Wednesday 12th October
Time: 10.00 - 11.30
Location: MS Teams
Date: Monday 12th December
Time: 10.00 - 11.30
Location: MS Teams
Staff feedback
- Many thanks for this very useful training which was also fun and delivered with passion. It provided me with relevant tips on how to enhance my online presentation skills and reinforced some of my already adopted practices.
- It is always great to get a reminder of how we can improve and build one presentations skills we have. The session was excellent in every way!
- A wonderful session! Presentations are such a big part of an academic's life, we need to improve constantly and learn from the professionals.