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Research Support Training

Digital Badge Skills Training Programme Research Support Professionals

Target Audience: Research Support Professionals employed in University College Cork

Application Process:  Having discussed with your line manager, email outlining why this programme is relevant to you at this stage in your career (300 word limit) highlighting the relevance to a) your role and b) your unit

Deadline to apply: To be announced in early 2021

Criteria Earn Digital Badge

  1. Must be available to attend on all dates (as advertised below) 25 hours
  2. Give a short presentation at end to facilitators and fellow participants on personal learning from the programme
  3. Attend a one-to-one CV Clinic with HR Research Manager


Programme Synopsis and Facilitators:


1. Introduction to Data Analysis: 2 x 3-hour sessions   (Dr Darren Dahly CRFC)

This programme will help researchers better understand how we can draw useful conclusions from research data. We will overview the different kinds of questions you can answer with data and introduce methods for both causal and statistical inference.   We will also discuss the basic principles for effective data visualization, and research data stewardship.


2. Finance for Non-Finance People 2 x 3-hour sessions  (Kevin Goggin Research Finance)

This programme aims to give staff a strong grasp of finance language, terminology and skills in analysis. The programme empowers non-finance people to communicate effectively with accounts and finance managers. The programme is designed for those who seek to be more informed with the skills to analyse financial reports and forecast future performance.


3. Project Management 2 x 3-hour sessions  (Dr Joanne Fearon Food Science)

 This programme is designed to help you keep your research projects on track particularly in challenging situations.  It includes project scope and gathering requirements; creating a project plan; assessing project risk; managing multiple projects; managing multiple initiatives; scheduling and controlling and managing contracts.


4. Presentation Skills 1 x 3-hour session  (Dr Anne Gannon Human Resources)

This workshop is tailored for those who want to learn about developing effective presentation skills. 


5. Career Development/CV’s 1 x 2-hour session  (Mary O'Regan Human Resources)

 Focused on facilitating and empowering participants to manage their own career development and make effective career transitions.


6. Research Integrity 1 x 2-hour session (Dr Irene Kavanagh Research Support Services)

 Research Integrity encompasses responsible conduct of research, training of researchers at all levels, research data management and management of research misconduct.


Research Support Digital Badge Time Table 2021








Introduction to Data Analysis I

Dr Darren Dahly CRFC 

10.00 am to 1.00 pm

To be announced

Online delivery


Introduction to Data Analysis II

Dr Darren Dahly CRFC

10.00 am to 1.00 pm

To be announced

Online delivery



Finance for Non-Finance People I

Mr Kevin Goggin

Research Finance

10.00 am to 1.00 pm

To be announced

Online delivery


Finance for Non-Finance People II

Mr Kevin Goggin

Research Finance

10.00 am to 1.00 pm

To be announced

Online delivery


Project Management I

Dr Joanne Fearon

10.00 am to 1.00 pm

To be announced

Online delivery



Project Management II

Dr Joanne Fearon

10.00 am to 1.00 pm

To be announced

Online delivery


Presentation Skills

Dr Anne Gannon

Human Resources

10.00 am to 1.00 pm

To be announced

Online delivery


Career Development/CV’s

Ms Mary O’Regan

Human Resources

10.00 am to 12.00 pm

To be announced

Online delivery


Research Integrity

Dr Irene kavanagh

10.00 am to 12.00 pm

To be announced

Online delivery



All participants

10.00 am to 1.00 pm

To be announced

Online delivery



Research Assistant Digital Badge Time Table 2020








Introduction to Data Analysis I

Dr Darren Dahly CRFC 

10.00 am to 1.00 pm


Western Gateway 302


Introduction to Data Analysis II

Dr Darren Dahly CRFC

10.00 am to 1.00 pm


BHSC 303



Finance for Non-Finance People I

Mr Kevin Goggin

Research Finance

10.00 am to 1.00 pm


Boole Seminar Room


Finance for Non-Finance People II

Mr Kevin Goggin

Research Finance

10.00 am to 1.00 pm


Boole Seminar Room


Project Management I

Dr Joanne Fearon

10.00 am to 1.00 pm


ORB 255



Project Management II

Dr Joanne Fearon

10.00 am to 1.00 pm


ORB 212



Presentation Skills

Ms Anne Gannon

Human Resources

10.00 am to 1.00 pm


Boole Seminar Room


Career Development/CV’s

Ms Mary O’Regan

Human Resources

10.00 am to 12.00 pm


North Wing Conference Room


Research Integrity

Dr Louise Burgoyne

10.00 am to 12.00 pm


Boole Seminar Room



All participants

10.00 am to 1.00 pm


Boole Seminar Room



If you have any questions in this regard please contact HR Research Manager


Department of Human Resources - HR Research

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
