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HR Research Recruitment

Open and Transparent Advertising and Recruitment

The University recognises the need for Research Centres to be in a position to recruit research staff in as expeditious a manner as possible while adhering to best practice methods of recruitment and selection and in compliance with legislation. 

As holders of the HR Excellence in Research logo the University is formally acknowledged as adhering to the Charter and Code of the EC HR Strategy for Researchers.  Through open and transparent advertising and recruitment we contribute to the attractiveness of UCC's research infrastructure and to the attractiveness of the European Research Area and uphold the principles of the Charter and Code.

Please see UCC policy on Open Transparent and Merit Based Recruitment OTMR2024

HR Research will assist and advise staff of Research Centres, Institutes and Units in managing the recruitment of research staff.


Please note: we require paperwork for appointments four weeks before the contract start date.


Department of Human Resources - HR Research

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
