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Excellent Customer Service

Participant Group: All UCC Staff

Facilitator: Centre4Learning


This course is designed to help you deliver empathetic and understanding customer service both to students and internal stakeholders. You will learn to manage your own emotions so you can calmy manage expectations, deal with queries and confidently tackle challenging situations.

• Clear on what great service looks like and how to deliver it
• Help you have a sense of pride, proactivity and ownership in delivering great service
• Explore the importance of being calm and positive and practice managing challenging situations including heightened emotion
• Practice managing expectations and confidently responding to queries/complaints, so we are seen as empathetic, professional and proactive


Date: Thursday 16th May 2024

Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm

Location: Zoom

Open for booking Via ESS 

Staff Wellbeing & Development

First Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC, T12 YN60
