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Emotional Intelligence for Enhanced Communication

Participant Group: All UCC Staff

Facilitator: Centre4Learning


This workshop gives participants the fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence and how it may be used to deliver more effective communication. We will explore how to build self-awareness, how to regulate your own feelings and how to increase your sensitivity to others through empathy and enhanced listening.

• Gain an insight into emotional intelligence, what it is and how you can develop it
• Develop self-awareness and self-management of personal emotions
• Recognise emotions in others, responding to those emotions appropriately
• Review the consequences of behaviour and weigh up decisions before action
• Demonstrate how an enhanced level of Emotional Intelligence can have a positive impact on communication skills
• Develop awareness of one’s own emotions and how they impact upon relationships, communication and other engagements


Date: Friday 26th January 2024

Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm

Location: North Wing Conference Room

Open for booking Via ESS 

Staff Wellbeing & Development

First Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC, T12 YN60
