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All Women in UCC: Enhance your Confidence, Resilience & Self Belief
Participant Group: All Women in UCC
Facilitator: Celine Mullins, Adaptas Training
Venue: Aula Maxima
- How Confidence, Resilience & Self Belief are related
- Which Derailers you currently have in place to your Confidence, Resilience & Self Belief
- What Enablers you can put in place to build Confidence, Resilience & Self Belief
Date: Mon 14 Nov
Time: 2.00 – 5.00
Location: Aula Maxima
Staff feedback
- I feel that I have acquired skills to further my resilience - Mary O'Leary
- The tools and tips from this workshop will enforce good habits that will sustain a growth mindset.
- I have learned that change is possible, and have accepted that change takes time and practice.
- I really enjoyed the different parts of the workshop including identifying values and mindfulness - Joice Sophia Ponraj
- It has helped me to work towards having confidence in the work that I produce and in making contributions during discussions without doubting myself.
- It has given me some really useful tools to help me improve my confidence. Good to meet other women and hear that we're mostly in a similar boat.
- I feel more confident about my strength and ability to move forward and I now know how to calm myself and reset if I do hit road blocks.
- This workshop has really made me consider my own internal monologue and critic and how it affects my work and professional life - Laura Leahy
- This workshop will help me connect my values to my practice, and to overcome self-imposed limiting factors.
- This workshop has positively influenced my thinking on enhancing my resilience and developing self confidence. It was a really beneficial workshop and was brilliantly facilitated.