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Returners Scheme

Academic Returners Scheme

The University has introduced a returners scheme to support academic staff across all colleges  in re-establishing their academic and independent research careers on return from maternity or adoptive leave. 

This Scheme has been introduced under our activity for Athena Swan.  The College covers the cost of a grant of up to €5,000 to enable staff to get their academic and research career back on track. This scheme will be reviewed after a 12 month period to assess its application across the University.  This provides the opportunity for women returners to focus on re-establishing their research career which in turn improves the retention and career progression of women working in STEM. 

Independent of this Scheme Heads of Schools/Units should engage with returning staff members to discuss how best they can be supported during the initial return to work period.  It is within the remit of each School to agree local level arrangements.

All applications will be considered by the Head of School in the first instance, and then considered by the Head of College.    To qualify for this funding the research must fit within the remit of the personal development plan of the staff member and the strategy of the School. A full account and breakdown must be given of the nature of the supports requested.

The grant must be utilized within a 12 month period of returning from leave and any unused funds will be returned to the College at the end of this 12 month period.  Once the application is approved at College level the College Financial Analyst will make the necessary fund transfers required.  

Returners Scheme Application Form

Human Resources

Acmhainní Daonna

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
