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Action Plans

Alcohol - Action Plan


The Table below shows the up to date (2014) status of the Key Performance Indicators (outcomes) for the Action Points in the UCC Alcohol Action Plan, to reduce Alcohol-related harm


KPI (if available)

KPI or Status

S1. Provide education, information and training for students and staff

AP 1.1 Alcohol information session to be provided to all incoming 1st year students at orientation

% Classes given presentation


AP 1.2 Alcohol awareness events to be held at least once annually on campus (including accommodation) outwith orientation

No. events/academic year


AP 1.3 Promote ePUB UCC, the on-line brief intervention tool for all incoming 1st year students

No. 1st years completed ePUB


AP 1.4 Embed ePUB UCC into the curriculum for academic Programmes on a voluntary basis

Develop case study for teaching


AP 1.5 Train Peer-Support Leaders (PSL’s) and Student Leaders to encourage Peer-Led alcohol education

No. PSLs trained


AP 1.6 Deliver workshops and training for frontline staff on alcohol information and Brief Intervention

No. Staff attended


AP1.7 Deliver 1 hour alcohol awareness training, including Brief Intervention Therapy, to student leaders

No. PSLs trained


S2. Put in place effective screening, referral and treatment services

AP 2.1 Develop, disseminate and promote guidelines for staff as to how, where and to whom to refer any student whom they believe may be at risk from alcohol related harm

Guidelines developed and disseminated

In development

AP 2.2 Provide Screening and Brief Intervention Therapy (SBIT) by Student Health department and Student Counselling and Development department professionals.

No. of Staff Trained in SBIT


AP 2.3 Develop and increase links with voluntary and statutory services, e.g. AA and the Southern Region Drugs Task Force

Liaise with AA and SRDTF

Link with SRDTF

S3. Make the campus and the local environment safer from alcohol related harm

AP 3.1 Encourage and monitor effectiveness of zero-tolerance policy to anti-social behaviour through Campus Watch and liaison with local Gardaí

Rate of ant-social behaviour to be requested from Head of Student Experience annually

To be requested

AP 3.2 Encourage reporting of abuse of local licensing laws and inappropriate marketing/selling of alcohol through development of a recording and reporting mechanism.

Requested from Head of Student Experience annually

To be requested

AP 3.3 Monitoring the activity and incident levels reported by the student support team

To report the annual number of incidents dealt with by the Student Support Team

To be requested

AP 3.4 Promote increased awareness of the UCC Student Alcohol Policy and the UCC Student Rules



AP 3.5 Increase provision for alcohol-free social spaces and alcohol-free activities/social events

Annual review and report


Mental Health - Action Plan

UCC tackling mental health problems and stigma

Status of Strategy Areas (S) Action Points (AP’s)/Key Performance Indicators (KPIS) for mental health


Developing Personal Skills for Students and Staff

KPI (if available)


AP 1.1

Staff training on mental health and wellbeing

# participants


AP 1.2

Deliver a training DVD to staff on how to support students in distress

# participants


AP 1.3

Meditation/mindfulness/stress management classes

# participants

Liath/ Maura

AP 1.4

Provide/develop module – Lifeskills programmes (e.g. UCC4U)



AP 1.5

Train peer supporters on issues of mental health and wellbeing

# PSLs trained



AP 1.6

Train Niteline volunteers on issues of mental health

# Volunteers trained



AP 1.7

Deliver professional mental health “gatekeeper”, “brief intervention” and awareness programmes.


# participants


AP 1.8

Online self-management programs (e.g. CALM)





Reorienting Health Services



AP 2.1

Briefing at staff and student orientation on all mental health services

# students reached

#staff reached


AP 2.2

UCC Ulink Peer Support Programme

# PSLs


AP 2.3

UCC Ulink Niteline Listening service

# calls


AP 2.4

UCC Uplift to Positive Mental Health

# mentors



AP 2.5

UCC Student Budgetary Advisor

# cases


AP 2.6

Collegiate/department-based wellbeing Officers (currently M&H and B&L)




AP 2.7

Computer Aided Lifestyle Management (CALM)

# usage levels


AP 2.8

Drop-in wellbeing spaces around campus








Create Supportive Environments



AP 3.1

Development of the student hub as a one stop shop for students having difficulties



AP 3.2

Promote onsite mental health services to students at orientation

# students

Michael Byrne, Cian

AP 3.3

Expand number of mental health events on campus

# events


Physical Activity - Action Plan

UCC action plan to increase physical activity in UCC

Status of Strategy Areas (S) Action Points (AP’s)/Key Performance Indicators (KPIS) for PHYSICAL ACTIVITY &ACTIVE TRANSPORT


Provide events, education, information and training for students and staff

KPI (if available)


AP 1.1

Use of social media as a part of an awareness campaign to educate people on the benefits of Physical Activity

# participants


AP 1.2

Briefing at orientation

# students reached


AP 1.3

Train peer supporters

# PSLs trained

# active PSLs


AP 1.4

Deliver professional health “gatekeeper”, “brief intervention” and awareness programmes


# participants


AP 1.5

Deliver events on campus such as OpTrans, d25K, Tag Rugby, ultimate Frisbee, interfactity tourements.

# events


AP 1.6

Use the resources of the UCC Sports Clubs in helping people to participate in Physical Activity



AP 1.7

Through Health Matters Day launch a major inactive i.e. calendar launch 2013



AP 1.8

Deliver a one stop campus map which will include distances, times and calories etc. Finger posts and/or coloured foot prints can be used

#Staff and Students to be reached


AP 1.9

Encourage walk and talk meetings

Staff and Students



Put in place effective peer support, screening, referral and treatment services



AP 2.1

UCCSU vice president for welfare

# referrals


AP 2.2

UCC Sports Studies

# referrals


AP 2.3

UCC Student Health Service: General practice and  health services

# patients


AP 2.4

UCC Student Counselling and Development Service

# referrals


AP 2.5

UCC First Year Experience coordinator

# referrals


AP 2.6

UCC Medical Students

# referrals


AP 2.7

UCC Disability Support Service

# referrals


AP 2.8

UCC Ulink Peer Support Programme

# referrals


AP 2.9

UCC Clubs Exec

# referrals


AP 2.10

UCC Mature Student Officer

# referrals


AP 2.11

UCC International Students’ Officer

# referrals


AP 2.12

UCC Department of Sport and Physical Activity

# referrals


AP 2.13

UCC Head of the student experience

# referrals


Sexual Health - Action Plan

UCC's action plan to raise awareness for sexual health

Status of Strategy Areas (S) Action Points (AP’s)/Key Performance Indicators (KPIS) for SEXUAL HEALTH


Provide events, education, information and training for students and staff

KPI (if available)


Ap 1.1

Staff health and safety training

# participants


Ap 1.2

Briefing at orientation on all sexual health services

# students reached


Ap 1.3

Train peer supporters on issues of  health

# PSLs trained # active PSLs 


Ap 1.4

Deliver professional health “gatekeeper”, “brief intervention” and awareness programmes

#programmes # participants


Ap 1.5

Deliver events on campus such as SHAG week events

# events



Put in place effective peer support, screening, referral and treatment services



Ap 2.1

UCCSU vice president for welfare

# referrals


Ap 2.2

UCCSU vice president for education

# referrals


Ap 2.3

UCC Student Health Service: Sexual Health Clinic

# patients


Ap 2.4

UCC Student Counselling – sexual health

# referrals


Ap 2.5

UCC First Year Experience coordinator

# referrals


Ap 2.6

UCC Chaplaincy

# referrals


Ap 2.7

UCC Disability Support Service

# referrals


Ap 2.8

UCC Ulink Peer Support Programme

# referrals


Ap 2.9

UCC Ulink Niteline Listening service

# referrals


Ap 2.10

UCC Mature Student Officer

# referrals


Ap 2.11

UCC International Students’ Officer

# referrals


Ap 2.12

UCC Uplift to Positive Sexual Health

# referrals


Ap 2.13

UCC Head of the student experience

# referrals


Ap 2.14

UCC Student Budgetary Advisor

# referrals


Ap 2.15

Collegiate Welfare Officers (currently M&H and B&L

# referrals



Make the campus and the local environment safer for students in distress



Ap 3.1

Develop policy in areas of  health

# policies completed # policies in development


Ap 3.2

Expand training opportunities for staff and students in the area of  health

# new opportunities # change in participants 


Ap 3.3

Development of the student hub as a one stop shop for students having difficulties



Ap 3.4

Promote onsite sexual health services to students at orientation

# students


Ap 3.5

Expand number of sexual health events on campus

Change # events



Influence local, regional, national, and sectoral sexual health policies and practices



Ap 5.1

Develop a dashboard of Key Performance indicators (KPIs) for each of the Action Points



Ap 5.2

Monitor the numbers and progress of research projects in the area of student sexual health at UCC

# projects


Ap 5.3

Distribute assessment batteries on issues of sexual health from the university (this would be new)

#  assessments


Ap 5.4

Monitor number of students using different support services as detailed above




Recognition, awards and bursaries for UCC sexual health initiatives



Ap 6.1

awards furnished to UCC for sexual health initiatives



Ap 6.2

awards furnished to UCC students for sexual health initiatives



Ap 6.3

awards furnished to UCC staff for sexual health initiatives



Ap 6.4

awards furnished to UCC sub-organisations (Clubs, Societies, Student Union)



Ap 6.5

bursaries/scholarships/grants furnished to UCC students/staff for research in sexual health




UCC Health Matters

Cúrsaí Sláinte COC
