- UCC Community Week 2021
- Monday 11 Oct
- Tuesday 12 Oct
- Wednesday 13 Oct
- A Bee at UCC
- Access UCC
- Artist Talk - Tinka Bechert
- Coaching
- Community Wealth Building
- Creating Together
- Dementia and Mental Health
- Enforcing EU Environmental Law
- Involving Older People in Research
- Keynote_Future of Public Health
- Keynote_University in the Era of Climate Change
- Singathon
- Services for LGBTQ Dementia
- Student Mental Health Strategy Launch
- Virtual Forest Bathing
- working with education
- Thursday 14 Oct
- Friday 15 Oct
- Curated for You
- Watchback
Reconnecting Communities
Reconnecting Communities: Healing, Recovery, and Looking to the Future
Thursday 14 October, 12.45pm - 2pm
Join us for this online panel discussion. We look at how engaged research emerging from partnerships between CACSSS (College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences) and community-based organisations working with children, young people and older adults plays an important role in helping us adapt to changes in the world around us. As we face a new reality following COVID-19 and look to the future, these disciplinary skills and partnerships will be central in the societal transformation of how we live, work and play.
Hosted by Prof. John McCarthy, Chair of ISS21 panellists will draw from their experience to give practice insights and discuss the challenges and opportunities of reconnecting, healing and recovery and asks how can University-community partnerships work better to support recovery in the everyday lives of people in our communities.
Practice Insights from engaged research partnerships:
- Age Friendly Interagency Group - Denise Cahill, Age Friendly Interagency Group with Dr. Annalisa Setti, Applied Psychology, UCC.
- Giving Voice Through Music - Margaret O’Sullivan, Music Generation with Dr. Michelle Finnerty, Department of Music, School of Film, Music & Theatre, UCC.
- Freedom of the City - Hugh Killen, Dept of Planning, Cork City Council with Tadhg Crowley - Senior Curator: Education + Community, The Glucksman, UCC
Panel discussion moderated by Prof. John McCarthy.
Followed by launch of CACSSS Publication on community partnerships.
Together with and for Community
As we emerge from the isolating circumstances of COVID-19 and embrace the new academic year ‘in person’ with our students it is time to reflect on the importance of our engaged University-community partnerships in reconnecting communities, in effecting healing and recovery, and in looking towards new ways of connecting in the future.
In partnership UCC Civic and Community Engagement, the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences host the third in a Virtual Summit Series of conversations with citizens, community leaders, organisations and academics on adapting to the COVID19 crisis, exploring together what a 'new reality' might look like. The event inlcudes the launch of new publication on the community engagement in CACSSS championed by the College's dedicated Community Engagement Commiteee.
UCC Community Week: This event is part of UCC Community Week 2021. During Community Week, staff and students across the university come together with community and public sector partners to host community focussed events and activities. The week long programme of events celebrates UCC as a civically engaged university.