School of Engineering announces a new engineering textbook published by John Wiley & Sons.
It is with pleasure that the School of Engineering announces a new engineering textbook published by John Wiley & Sons.
Electric Powertrain, Energy Systems, Power Electronics and Drives for Hybrid, Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicl
This is primarily an engineering textbook covering the automotive powertrain, energy storage and energy conversion, power electronics and electrical machines. A significant additional focus is placed on the engineering design, the energy for transportation, and the related environmental motivations and impacts. The book is both an integrated and holistic university teaching textbook, from undergraduate to introductory postgraduate levels, and an educational and research reference for our industry colleagues.
Hardcover & E-book:
Sample Chapter: Google Books Electric Powertrain Sample Chapter and TOC
Companion website with slides, solution, reference and computer assignments (under construction):
Wiley Online Licensed Library Platform:
School of Engineering website: