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School of Engineering and Architecture Research Image Competition.

16 Jan 2025

Help us to showcase the quality and diversity of our research in the UCC School of Engineering and Architecture and win up to €500 by entering your image in the School of Engineering and Architecture Research Image Competition. The competition is open to all School staff and students involved in research, including those in the School's associated research centres and units.

  • 1st prize - €500
  • 2nd prize - €200
  • 3rd prize - €100



To be in with a chance of winning, send us the most interesting and eye-catching image of your research to by 7th February 2025. The image could be a photo from an experiment or field trial, or an interesting graphic or visualisation produced from your research – be creative! These images will feature on the School websites, newsletters, electronic screens, social media and more.


Format and rules:

  • Images must be submitted in JPEG or TIFF format at a high resolution - the file should be 300 dpi or more at A3 size if possible.
  • Approval of your supervisor (if applicable) is required to enter an image. You must have ownership of the image to enter it. If the image has identifiable people in it, you will need their consent.
  • Your electronic image file must be clearly labeled as follows: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME _ImageTitle.
  • You can submit only one image per researcher.
  • Please include a short text caption describing the image and its significance. The caption should be understandable to a non-specialist.
  • The entries will be assessed by the School of Engineering and Architecture Research Committee and the winners will be announced by 28th February 2025. The winning image will automatically be entered into the UCC Research & Innovation Awards 2025 “Research Image of the Year” category.

School of Engineering and Architecture

Scoil na hInnealtóireachta

Electrical Engineering Building, UCC, College Road, Cork.
