SCENARIO Correspondents
Scenario aims to promote intercultural dialogue in the area of drama and theatre pedagogy and, in doing so, to pave the way towards a performative teaching, learning and research culture.
We are looking for colleagues/experts in different countries who would act as “Scenario Correspondents”. The expectation is that correspondents submit an overview article that introduces Scenario readers to the infrastructure, historical and current developments in the area of performative pedagogy in country X by addressing (some of) the points listed below.
The idea is to work towards a "worldwide mapping exercise" during which the Scenario–associated community of researchers, teachers and and practitioners will become increasingly aware of cultural differences and similarities in the area of performative teaching, learning and research (especially in the area of foreign/second languages).
Should you be interested in taking on such a role please contact the editors at
1. The role of the performative arts, primarily theatre, in country X:
- Appreciation of the performative arts in country X
(Research: Academic disciplines which focus on the performative arts / Funding: Extent of government and/or other support for the performative arts) - Theatre as an art form: historical perspectives/aspects of the specific theatre tradition
- Applied Theatre: What is the role of theatre in education and also in other areas (social work, political activism etc.)
2. The role of Drama and Theatre in pedagogical contexts - Compared to other art forms (for example, visual art and music): what is the position of drama/theatre in the primary, secondary or third level curriculum?
- Is there a specific school/university subject which focuses on the art form of theatre: what is it called in your language?
- If there is no specific school subject: to what extent, if at all, does drama/theatre figure in the curriculum?
3. The role of Drama and Theatre in the area of Foreign/Second Language
Teachingand Learning:
- To what extent is there an awareness of the important role that drama and theatre can play in this area?
- If teachers wish to learn how to teach through drama/theatre: where can they get assistance and develop these skills?
- Can they obtain a formal qualification (Certificate? Diploma? etc.)
4. The role of Drama and Theatre in Teacher Training Courses / In-service Courses:
- Have any ‘performative elements’ been introduced?
- How much weight is given to theory/practice?
- Examples of specific course structure(s)
5. Which organisations, societies, professional associations (Level: professional/semi-professional/amateur) in your country would be of specific interest to
a) teachers of drama and theatre and
b) teachers who wish to apply drama and theatre in specific
pedagogical contexts, especially in the teaching and learning of
foreign and second languages?
6. Research – Recent developments
- Appreciation of performative arts-based research
- Any current research projects in the area of performative teaching and learning?
- Collaborations with institutions/organisations in other countries?
7. Performative Teaching, Learning and Research in your country – Future
8. Any other aspect(s) that you think would be of interest to Scenario readers?