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12th October 2015 

'Ca2+ signalling in cardiovascular synchronization and arrhythmogenesis'

presented by

Dr. Dimitris Parthimos

 Institute of Molecular and Experimental Medicine, Wales Heart Research Institute, Cardiff University, Wales


27th April 2015

'Not just a gut feeling: Neuro-endocrine and immune pathways converge in IBS'

presented by

Dr. Maria Buckley

Department of Physiology, University College Cork



23rd February 2015

'Modulation of TRIC-B channels derived from mouse TRIC-A knockout tissue'

presented by

Ms. Fiona O’Brien

Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford, UK.


5th December 2014

'Dopaminergic control of movement - more than the basal ganglia'

presented by

Prof. Patrick Whelan

Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary, Canada



8th September2014

'Molecular, structural and functional plasticity in skeletal muscle'

 presented by

 Prof. Hans Hoppeler

 Institut für Anatomie, Bern


10th February 2014

'Targeting bile acids for treatment of intestinal diseases'

presented by

Dr. Stephen Keely

Associate Director, RCSI Molecular Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.


3rd February 2014

'There is more to vasopressin than meets the eye'

presented by

Prof. Mike Ludwig

Professor of Neurophysiology,

Centre for Integrative Physiology, University of Edinburgh


13th January 2014

'The angiotensin-(1-7)/Mas axis: great hope with little flaws for the therapy of cardiovascular pathophysiology'

presented by

Prof. Thomas Walther

Pharmacology & Therapeutics University College Cork


25th November 2013

'CRISPR gene editing: Cystic Fibrosis and Cystinosis'

presented by 

Dr. Patrick T. HARRISON

Department of Physiology & BioSciences Institute, University College Cork

 Click here to view the the seminar


7th October 2013 

'Interstitial Cells of Cajal in the Rabbit Urethra'

presented by

Dr. Gerard Sergeant

Smooth Muscle Research Centre  Dundalk Institute of Technology 


 23rd September 2013

'Regulation of breathing by the LKB1-AMPK signalling pathway'

presented by

Prof. A. Mark Evans

Centre for Integrative Physiology, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh



 4th March 2013

'Cardiac Thermal Sensitivity and Niche Expansion in a Pelagic Predator'

presented by

Dr. Holly A. Shiels

Senior Lecturer in Physiology and Program Director for Biology, University of Manchester


 11th February 2013

'Signalling pathways regulating breast cancer stem cells'

presented by

Dr. Rob Clarke

Breast Biology Group, Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, University of Manchester, UK


  31st January 2013

'Neighbourhood watch: monitoring and responding to local calcium signals in health and disease'

presented by

Prof. Anant B. Parekh

Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford.


 28th January 2013

'Peroxisomal characteristics and functions:  Incidence of peroxisomal dysfunctions on oxidative stress and on the development of peroxisomopathies'

presented by

Prof. Gérard Lizard

Directeur de l'Equipe d'Accueil Bio-PeroxIL, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France




23rd November 2012

'Many are cold but few are frozen; a brief review of applied physiology in air-sea rescue'

presented by

Dr. Frank Golden

University College Cork,

Alumnus Award Recipient


22nd October 2012

'Does size matter, or do you just need to keep going? (Regulation of muscle phenotype in limbs by LIMs and microRNAs)'

presented by

Dr. Paul Kemp

National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London


 28th June 2012

PVN Gαi2 proteins - a new component in the neural control of sodium homeostasis and long-term blood pressure regulation

presented by

Dr. Richard Wainford

Department of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics, BostonUniversitySchool of Medicine 


26th March 2012

Is Chronic Bronchitis an Acquired form of Cystic Fibrosis?

presented by

Prof. Robert Tarran

Department of Cell and Molecular Physiology, University of North Carolina, USA


 13th February 2012

Role of NADPH oxidase and Rho kinase in renal vascular function

presented by

Prof. Olaf Grisk

Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, Institut für Physiologie Karlsburg, Germany


Tuesday 7th February 2012 

Regulation of inflammatory gene expression by hypoxia

presented by

Prof. Cormac Taylor

Associate Professor of Cellular Physiology at the Conway Institute, UCD





On the cover....

To celebrate Physiology week during science week: PhysioBlitz: Speeding through the Systems WGB Atrium

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Cover Story

The Department of Physiology was delighted to welcome the inaugural class to the launch of its new 2-year taught MSc degree in Clinical Measurement Physiology.

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Pedaling Passion: A Triumph in Physiology Week's Cyclathon & Blitz

In the thrill of Science Week, our Department of Physiology geared up for a cyclathon aiming to pedal 100 kilometres for charity.

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Physiology Department


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