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  • The Impact of Stillbirth on Consultant Obstetrician Gynaecologists

    11 Mar 2014
    The Impact of Stillbirth on Consultant Obstetrician Gynaecologists

    The first research study into the impact of stillbirth on Consultant Obstetricians has just been published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

    This study was carried out by Mr Daniel Nuzum & Dr Keelin O’Donoghue based in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, UCC at Cork University Maternity Hospital.

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  • AUDGPI Annual Scientific Meeting 2014

    11 Mar 2014
    AUDGPI Annual Scientific Meeting 2014

    Association of University Departments of General Practice in Ireland (AUDGPI) Annual Scientific Meeting was held at the Western Gateway Building,UCC 6-7 March 2014

    The 2014 meeting was be the Association’s 16th scientific conference and saw close to 100 delegates attending.

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  • First Student Graduates from Doctor of Nursing Programme

    10 Mar 2014
    First Student Graduates from Doctor of Nursing Programme

    Friday 28th February 2014; Patrick Cotter, an Advanced  Nurse Practitioner in Emergency Nursing at Cork University Hospital is the first graduate of the Doctorate of Nursing Programme at the Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork.


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  • Dr. Éanna Falvey receives his PhD

    10 Mar 2014
    Dr. Éanna Falvey receives his PhD

    Friday 28th February 2014; UCC Alumnus Dr. Éanna Falvey, Team Doctor to the Irish Senior Rugby Team and the Irish Amateur Boxing Association High Performance Unit receives his PhD.

    Dr Falvey, MB BCh, PhD, MRCPI, MMedSci (SEM), FFSEM, has been involved in team coverage for Hurling, Football, Boxing, Rugby, Australian Rules football and athletics at elite levels for more than 10 years.  Having completed his undergraduate degree at UCC he completed his hospital training at Cork University Hospital.  Dr Falvey undertook a fellowship in sports medicine at the University of Melbourne and a PhD at University College Cork.

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  • Prep-for-Med-School

    01 Feb 2013

    The atmosphere was upbeat at UCC’s third Prep-for-Med-School day held at UCC and Cork University Hospital on Friday 25th January, 2013.

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  • A first for Prep for Med

    28 Jan 2014
    A first for Prep for Med

    The excitement was palpable at UCC’s fourth Prep-for-Med day held on Friday 24th January at the School of Medicine, College of Medicine and Health, UCC and Cork University Hospital.

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  • Professor Patricia Kearney, new Research Leader appointed by The Health Research Board (HRB)

    09 Jan 2014
    Professor Patricia Kearney, new Research Leader appointed by The Health Research Board (HRB)

    Professor Patricia Kearney, Research Professor at University College Cork, is one of six new HRB Research Leaders, appointed by The Health Research Board (HRB).  The investment of €9 million will address strategic gaps and leadership capacity in population health and health services research in Ireland.

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  • New Project Offers Clear Hope for the Early Detection of Pre-eclampsia

    03 Dec 2013
    New Project Offers Clear Hope for the Early Detection of Pre-eclampsia

    A new research initiative focusing on the life-threatening complications associated with pre-eclampsia is set to save the lives of affected mothers and babies.

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  • A book to get your teeth into

    03 Dec 2013
    A book to get your teeth into

    Love or loathe that trip to the dentist, there is a distinct possibility that Cork University Dental School and Hospital has fulfilled a role in ensuring you receive a high standard of care.

    Monday 25 November saw the launch of a book that many will want to get their teeth into. ‘Prevention is better than cure: History of the Cork Dental School and Hospital, 1913-2013’ was launched by Minister Kathleen Lynch T.D. in the Aula Maxima, UCC in honour of 2013 being the centenary of the founding of one of Cork's landmark institutions.

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  • Professor Geraldine McCarthy appointed Chairperson of the South/South West Hospital Group

    11 Nov 2013
    Professor Geraldine McCarthy appointed Chairperson of the South/South West Hospital Group

    President of University College Cork, Dr. Michael Murphy, has today welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly TD, on the appointment of Prof. Geraldine McCarthy as Chairperson of the South/South West Hospital Group. Congratulating Prof. McCarthy on her appointment, President Murphy said, “Prof. McCarthy’s role will strengthen the linkages that already exist between the acute hospitals and University College Cork across the South/South West region.”

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College of Medicine and Health

Coláiste an Leighis agus na Sláinte

3rd Floor, Erinville Hospital, Western Road, University College Cork, T12 EKDO
