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  • Postgraduate Training in Ireland

    20 May 2014
    Postgraduate Training in Ireland

    The first study investigating the quality of postgraduate medical training in Ireland, using a validated tool, has identified both strengths and weaknesses present systematically and has demonstrated that the measurement of learning environments at a national level provides useful information for quality assurance and improvement of training.

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  • Irish Junior Doctors' Career Plans and Pathways

    20 May 2014
    Irish Junior Doctors' Career Plans and Pathways


    A recent study investigating the training paths and career plans of junior doctors training on programmes under the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, found that the ‘exodus’ of Irish postgraduate medical trainees, which has been at the forefront of national discussion, is more complex than that which has been originally portrayed.


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  • Formal renaming of University Hospital Waterford

    19 May 2014
    Formal renaming of University Hospital Waterford

    Friday 16th May - Waterford Regional Hospital was formally re-named ‘University Hospital Waterford’ (UHW) by the Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly TD.

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  • 2014 Recipient of the UCC Medical School Medal

    30 May 2014
    2014 Recipient of the UCC Medical School Medal

    Wednesday 28 May - Professor Daniel J. Penny - Chief of Paediatric Cardiology at the Texas Children’s’ Hospital, and Professor of Paediatrics – Cardiology at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, receives the UCC Medical School Medal. Daniel entered UCC Medical School in 1979. In 1982 he was invited to read for an intercalated B.Sc. (Hons) in Physiology, graduating with 1st Class Honours in 1983.  He subsequently graduated M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. in 1986, and interned in Medicine and Surgery at Cork University Hospital.

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  • Q&A proves therapeutic for students

    15 May 2014
    Q&A proves therapeutic for students

    Students who are considering becoming an Occupational Therapy or Speech and Language Therapy professional can now turn to their peers who are ready to field their questions.

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  • Better and safer training for surgeons

    02 May 2014
    Better and safer training for surgeons

    The first large-scale study into simulation-based medical training finds that proficiency-based training produces a significantly superior skill-set when compared to a traditional training programme.

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  • The World’s First Master’s Degree in End-of-Life Healthcare Ethics

    28 Apr 2014
    The World’s First Master’s Degree in End-of-Life Healthcare Ethics

    The deadline is approaching for applications for the world’s first Master’s degree in End-of-Life Healthcare Ethics which begins next September in University College Cork.  May 2nd is the deadline for potential students to apply for both the course and the Scholarships which are being offered by the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF).

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  • Mothers who book privately are more likely to have caesarean delivery

    15 Apr 2014
    Mothers who book privately are more likely to have caesarean delivery

    A research study into private healthcare coverage and increased risk of obstetric intervention has just been published in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 

    This study was carried out by the National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre (NPEC) based in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at University College Cork.

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  • Cardiovascular Disease research receives €6 million EU research award

    09 Apr 2014
    Cardiovascular Disease research receives €6 million EU research award

    A European consortium of clinicians and scientists has launched a major EU-funded collaboration project focused on the prevention of heart disease and stroke through food.  BACCHUS an acronym for ‘Beneficial effects of bioactive compounds in humans’ will receive €6 million in funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme.

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  • Taoiseach welcomes new Irish-American technology development partnership

    14 Mar 2014
    Taoiseach welcomes new Irish-American technology development partnership


    Thursday 13 March 2014: Speaking in Washington at an event hosted by the Irish Science Foundation Ireland to celebrate links between Irish science and US industry as part of the St Patrick’s Day Festival, the Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, welcomed the announcement that the Cork-based Irish Centre for Fetal and Neonatal Translational Research (INFANT) has signed a research partnership with Waters Corporation. 


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College of Medicine and Health

Coláiste an Leighis agus na Sláinte

3rd Floor, Erinville Hospital, Western Road, University College Cork, T12 EKDO
