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UCC Research supports the ambitions of our research community by providing guidance on all aspects of the research process, by defining and implementing UCC’s Research and Innovation strategies and policies, and by facilitating the delivery of impact. UCC Research is the primary administrative point of contact for pre- and post-award processes, and are the authorised signatory for all research funding applications and awards:

  • We manage the circulation of research funding intelligence and communications, and provide proposal development, review and submission support services.
  • We manage the review and institutional sign-off of all research contracts, and support proactive engagement with our funders, pre- and post-award.

UCC Research’s extensive suite of training programmes generate opportunities for the acquisition of funding, and the development of research and transferable skills across all career levels. We promote the transformation of UCC’s research culture through the development and implementation of engaged research and open research practices, underpinned by academic integrity, ethical and responsible practice and relevant policies. Our team also provides guidance on all compliance issues pertaining to research activity including health & safety.

UCC Research’s dedicated Research Support Sharepoint portal is available to provide further information on all the supports and services available to the UCC researcher community.

Funding Calls for UCC Researchers

The research support team work with the UCC research community to apply for funding from national, EU, and international funding agencies. Please use the link below (for UCC staff only) to access a list of currently open calls and calls opening soon, or email the UCC Research contact person supporting the call for more information including internal deadlines.

UCC Research Post Award/Contract Support

The Research Office will co-ordinate the review/sign-off process of your contract documentation and the setting up of your research account. In the first instance, please contact the Research Support Administrator assigned to your funding agency to inform us of your research award success.

Frequently Used UCC Research Forms

Up to date versions of all research related forms are available on our Sharepoint site. It is important that researchers download the newest version of each form when  it is required.

UCC Research Policies

Internally accessible research policies are available on our Sharepoint site, and several UCC Research and Innovation policies are accessible externally and listed below.

Researcher Training @ UCC

At UCC, researchers have access to a wide range of training programmes on different sets of skills:

  • Research Skills Training & Resources
  • Transferable Skills Training & Resources
  • Teaching Skills Training & Resources

Research Ethics

Research Ethics at UCC addresses the requirement to ensure that certain basic ethical standards are met in the conduct of research. Where proposed research may engage potentially ethically sensitive issues (such as the involvement of human participants), institutional safeguards must be put in place to promote best practice.

Research Integrity

Research integrity (Responsible Conduct of Research) encompasses responsible conduct of research, training of researchers at all levels, research data management and management of research misconduct. UCC is committed to ensuring the highest standards of integrity in all aspects of research, founded on basic principles of good research practice to be observed by all researchers and research organisations.

Institutional Research Information System (IRIS)

IRIS (Institutional Research Information System) enables researchers to easily maintain an up-to-date CV, showcase their research expertise and comply with UCC reporting requirements.

  • IRIS will save both time and effort by enabling you to maintain your research profile in an easy-to-use, web-based application.
  • Feeds for staff profiles on School/Department websites.
  • Once published, your profile will allow your colleagues and others to more easily cite your publications in referencing.
  • Seamless integration with the Cork Open Research Archive (CORA) — UCC’s institutional repository.
  • IRIS also allows accurate measurement and analysis of research output activity to support effective strategic planning.
  • Automatic updates from University systems including HR, Student Registration, Financial.
  • Multiple options for downloading information for your own use.

Patient Focused Research

All research involving patients/volunteers must be approved by UCC Sponsor's Office before they start.  This includes Clinical Trials of Medicinal Products, Clinical Investigations of Medical Devices, studies of other interventions (such as nutrition, exercise, care pathways) and observational studies. UCC Sponsor's Office will log the study and add it to the list of studies on the UCC clinical trials insurance log.

Online Welfare of UCC Researchers

To support the UCC research community, a Resource Toolkit for tackling online harassment and promoting the online welfare of our researchers has been developed. This toolkit seeks to serve as an information/’signposting’ resource for the UCC research community to assist them in dealing with online harassment during the execution of their duties as researchers.

UCC Research Data Services

UCC's Research Office, Library Services, and IT Services collaborate to promote best practice in Research Data Management and provide a suite of research data services and expert knowledge to support our researchers.

UCC Research

Aistriú Taighde

Office of Vice President for Research & Innovation, 4th Floor, Block E, Food Science Building University College Cork, T12 K8AF
