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Research Integrity

"Research integrity refers to all of the factors that underpin Good Research Practice and promote trust and confidence in the research process” (UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO). Accordingly, research integrity is essential to the trustworthiness, excellence and quality of our research endeavours rather than hinder it. 

The importance of Research Integrity to research at UCC is articulated in the Securing our Future - UCC Strategic Plan 2023-2028, Goal 1 Research & Innovation, Strategic Approach 1.4, to "Transform UCC’s research culture through the implementation of engaged research and open research, underpinned by [Research Integrity]*, and ethical and responsible practice." [*in the context of research, the term “academic integrity” in Strategic Approach 1.4 equates to Research Integrity].

As research integrity both safeguards and ensures a positive research environment, its importance to the research ecosystem is often described as ‘Research Culture‘.

Research in UCC, nationally and across the EU is underpinned by the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity-Revised Edition 2023, which articulates that Good Research Practices are based on fundamental principles of Research Integrity. These principles guide individuals, institutions, and organisations in their work as well as in their engagement with the practical, ethical, and intellectual challenges inherent in research.

These principles include:

  • Reliability in ensuring the quality of research, reflected in the design, methodology, analysis, and use of resources.
  • Honesty in developing, undertaking, reviewing, reporting, and communicating research in a transparent, fair, full, and unbiased way.
  • Respect for colleagues, research participants, research subjects, society, ecosystems, cultural heritage, and the environment.
  • Accountability for the research from idea to publication, for its management and organisation, for training, supervision, and mentoring, and for its wider societal impacts.

Research integrity principles & processes cover the whole research lifecycle and applies to all of the research community & stakeholders. Its broad scope covers all research disciplines and all sectors where research is carried out.​ 

UCC is committed to ensuring the highest standards of integrity in all aspects of research, founded on basic principles of good research practice to be observed by all researchers and research organisations. UCC is part of the National Forum on Research Integrity. The forum membership is drawn from research funders, research performing organisations and other relevant organisations.

UCC subscribes to UKRIO, experts in the field of Research Integrity and provide access to essential resources and services. The UKRIO help institutions achieve high standards when managing challenges to research integrity. They also support individuals faced with bad practice. UKRIO advice and guidance emphasises the good practice that runs across all research disciplines and all regulatory remits.

Conducting our research with integrity applies to all disciplines and stages of the research process, and it is essential for excellence in research. It applies to those carrying out research at all stages of their career and/or those involved in supporting research. Specifically the Code of Research Conduct applies to:

  • All Research staff including postdoctoral researchers, research fellows and all staff engaged with research and staff involved in the research process (including technical, clerical, clinical and administrative staff employed by and visiting UCC).
  • Research leaders and Principal Investigators.
  • All Research collaborators.
  • All supervisors of postgraduate and undergraduate research.
  • UCC postgraduate and undergraduate students.

A positive Research Culture underpins Research Integrity and research excellence.

UCC Research

Aistriú Taighde

Office of Vice President for Research & Innovation, 4th Floor, Block E, Food Science Building University College Cork, T12 K8AF
