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Issue 19 of Alphaville published by The Department of Film and Screen Media

The Department of Film and Screen Media at UCC has announced the publication of the new issue of the peer-reviewed, open-access journal Alphaville :

Alphaville Issue 19 –

The issue is characterised by a distinct focus on intermediality, interartiality and intertextuality. While covering diverse generic and geographical areas, both of the issue’s main sections (“Performing the Intermedial across Brazilian Cinema”, a selection of articles and interviews curated by Tamara Courage and Albert Elduque, and “Music Videos in the British Screen Industries and Screen Heritage”, a dossier edited by Emily Caston) aim to shed light on some of the ways in which music and the moving image have intersected historically, giving rise to particular formats, genres and instances of medium hybridity.

The ambition of this issue of Alphaville is all at once to pay due attention to specific films, genres, traditions and styles, to promote the scholarly understanding of neglected areas of study, and to contribute fresh thinking to the open debate on the most responsive methodological tools to characterise and analyse the intermedial in film and video.

College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences

Coláiste na nEalaíon, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta

College Office, Room G31 ,Ground Floor, Block B, O'Rahilly Building, UCC
