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UCC-TPI Joint Academic Standards Committee

General Purpose
The University College Cork-Turning Point Institute (UCC-TPI) Joint Academic Standards Committee is established between University College Cork and Turning Point Institute Ltd. This committee is responsibleforthegovernanceandacademic quality of the MSc in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy Programme.

Terms of Reference:

The Committee shall:

Ensure the academic integrity and quality of the Programme’s content, teaching and assessment as stated in the Memorandum of Agreement including:

  1. Validation of qualifications and experience of Programme teaching staff.
  2. Formal approval process for major and minor changes and on-going quality improvement.
  3. Re-validation of the programme after five years and use of appropriate Programmatic Review.
  4. Consider recommendations for the appointment of external examiners and the membership of examination boards and if approved, submit them for ratification by the appropriate authority in each institution.
  5. Oversee and monitor the effective delivery of the programme and report as required to each institution; including consideration of programme board monitoring reports and external examiners’ reports.
  6. Ensure that graduation ceremonies, parchments and other matters related to the making of collaborative and joint awards are properly conducted in accordance with the requirements of the NUI and UCC.
  7. Ensure co-operation in relation to external and internal institutional review processes and with national and international accrediting and standards bodies including QQI and the IUQB and other relevant bodies as appropriate.
  8. Make recommendations to the two institutions on matters appropriate to the purpose of the Committee including equitable arrangements for cases where the procedures of the two institutions may differ; and amendments to the Memorandum of Agreement as necessary.
  9. To advise both institutions on the implications for the programme of internal or external policy changes.

Reporting Structure

It will report jointly to the Academic Board of UCC and to the Board of Directors of TPI.

A Programme Director has been appointed by TPI with responsibility for the day-to-day management of the Programme and for the management of the academic aspects in consultation with the Joint Committee. The Programme Director will be responsible for implementing any changes recommended by the Joint Committee.


  • CEO TPI (Co-Chair)
  • UCC Academic Secretary (Co-Chair)
  • Programme Directors (TPI)
  • Registrar (TPI)
  • Head of UCC School of Applied Psychology and nominee
  • TPI staff member teaching on the Programme
  • A staff member of UCC's Academic Programmes & Regulations Unit
  • A staff member of UCC’s Student Records and Examinations Office
  • A Member of UCC’s Academic Board/Academic Development and Standards Committee

*Membership 2024-2025

Membership updated 01-07-2024

Chair (2024-2025)
Chief Executive Officer 

Ms Ger Mattews


Academic Secretary and Assistant Registar

Paul O'Donovan



Ms Kay Conroy



Ms Amanda Cotter



Ms Karen Cotter







Ms Geraldine Green


Head of School of Applied

Head of School’s nominee

Dr Chris McCusker

Dr Maria Dempsey



TPI staff member teaching on the Programme

Director of Research 

Dr Eve Watson



APAR – Head of 

Ms Eleanor Fouhy


ADSC – Member

Vice-President for Learning and Teaching

Professor Paul McSweeney


SREO- Head of 

Eleanor Fitzgerald



Administrative Support




The Committee may co-opt other members as are determined from time to time by UCC's Academic Council and TPI.

The Joint Academic Standards Committee will be chaired by UCC and TPI in annual rotation. The Secretariat will be rotated annually.
Meetings will take place in UCC where practicable.

Frequency and timing of meetings

It will meet at least twice per year with one meeting at UCC. The Secretariat will provide at least three weeks’ notice of a meeting and endeavour to circulate papers two weeks in advance.

Minutes will be approved between meetings.

Quorum and assurance

The Joint Committee will be quorate with the Chair and three members, at least one of which must be a member of UCC or TPI staff. Decisions by the Joint Committee will be by simple majority. The Joint Committee cannot make any decisions which would have the effect of lessening the assurance of academic quality outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding.

Approved by Academic Council 06-03-15

Amended to reflect change of name of institute from TPTI to TPI (UCC-TPI JASC 19-06-2018) and Registrar, TPI added to membership (following UCC-TPI 19-06-2018)

Amended to reflect that as exam boards are conducted online a meeting does not have to take place at that time (UCC-TPI JASC 20-10-2022).  

Academic Affairs and Governance

Gnothaí Acadúla agus Rialú
