Economic and health-related quality of life impacts of receiving recurrent miscarriage care in Ireland: Exploratory analysis drawing on results from a national care experience survey
Recurrent miscarriage can amplify negative psychological outcomes, and impact work performance: 70% of study participants experienced decreased work productivity; 50% scored well below the population norm on the mental health component of the health related quality of life measure used.
- Authors
Caragh Flannery, Marita Hennessy, Hannah O'Leary, Rebecca Dennehy, Keelin O'Donoghue
- Year
- 2024
- Journal Name
- Reproductive, Female and Child Health
- Category
- Journal Article
- Keywords
- Impact, Recurrent miscarriage
- Project
- Full Citation
Flannery C, Burke L-A, Gillespie P, Hennessy M, O'Leary H, Dennehy R, O'Donoghue K. Economic and health-related quality of life impacts of receiving recurrent miscarriage care in Ireland: exploratory analysis drawing on results from a national care experience survey. Reproductive, Female and Child Health. 2024;3:e105.
- Link to Publication
We conducted a study to explore the impacts of recurrent miscarriage on employment, personal finances, quality of life and use of health care services. We surveyed people who had experienced ≥2 consecutive first-trimester miscarriages and received care for recurrent miscarriage in Ireland in a 10-year period. We asked questions relating to personal details, recurrent miscarriage care and workplace presenteeism (working but not to full capability due to ill-health), health-related quality of life, use of healthcare and out-of-pocket expenses. Of the 135 participants included in our analysis, 79% were aged 33–44 years. Participants scored low on the mental health component of the measure used to assess quality of life, with 50% well below the population norm. Participants spent, on average, 82 hours off work attending appointments. 70% experienced decreased productivity at work. Participants travelled 36.54km, on average, attending appointments, costing on average €372/participant. Other out-of-pocket expenses included further investigations, scans and services: total cost averaged €7930 per participant, plus costs for care of children/dependents while attending appointments of €245/participant. Implementing care standards, clinical guidelines and interventions supporting women/couples with recurrent miscarriage, with appropriate funding, is needed to reduce psycho-social impacts and prevent high patient costs.