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Pregnancy Loss in Workplaces: Informing policymakers on support mechanisms

What was the PLACES project about?

PLACES | Pregnancy Loss in Workplaces: Informing policymakers on support mechanisms

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth commissioned this project to examine the workplace experiences of people coping with pregnancy loss. Informed by international best practice, the project put forward recommendations for formal or informal support mechanisms that could be introduced in the workplace to better support working people experiencing pregnancy loss. Support mechanisms may include the provision of leave, flexible working arrangements, or other workplace policies. These recommendations, in turn, will help to inform Government policy, including the development of legislation if required.

The project primarily focused on people who experience pregnancy loss prior to 24 weeks’ gestation, as people who have a pregnancy loss after 24 weeks’ gestation (termed a stillbirth, which includes babies born weighing ≥500g and who show no signs of life) can avail of full maternity leave and paternity leave entitlements.

Meet Ruadh Kelly-Harrington, Research Assistant, PLACES Project

What was involved?

  • PHASE 1: Scoping study. Literature review and comparative analysis of international models with expert/key informant input
  • PHASE 2: Qualitative/quantitative research. Survey and in-depth interviews to capture the workplace experiences of employees who have experienced pregnancy loss
  • PHASE 3: Final output. Plain English report that presents findings and gives recommendations for next steps.

Who was involved?

Project team

Name Affiliation Role
Professor Keelin O'Donoghue Pregnancy Loss Research Group  PI
Marita Hennessy PhD Pregnancy Loss Research Group  Project Manager; Collaborator
Ruadh Kelly-Harrington Pregnancy Loss Research Group  Research Assistant
Dr Sara Leitao National Perinatal Eppidemiology Centre; Pregnancy Loss Research Group Collaborator
Dr Daniel Nuzum Pregnancy Loss Research Group Collaborator
Dr Caroline Dalton-O'Connor Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC Collaborator
Professor Mary Donnelly School of Law, UCC Collaborator
Dr Claire Murray School of Law, UCC Collaborator
Dr Maeve O'Sullivan  J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics, University of Galway Collaborator

Dissemination activities


Journal articles

  • Kelly-Harrington R, Murray C, Hennessy M, Leitao S, O’Sullivan M, Dalton-O’Connor C, Nuzum D, O’Donoghue K, Donnelly M. Statutory leave for early pregnancy loss: A comparative study. European Labour Law Journal. 2024;15(4), 695-710.
  • Kelly-Harrington R, Leitao S, O’Donoghue K, Dalton-O’Connor C, Donnelly M, Murray C, Nuzum D, O’Sullivan M, Hennessy M. Workplace supports for early  pregnancy loss: A scoping review of international literature. Work. 2025; 0(0).

Policy brief

Outreach events

  • Kelly-Harrington R, O'Donoghue K. Supporting texters experiencing pregnancy loss. Online training webinar to staff and volunteers who provide text-based crisis support at Text About It, 28 May 2024.  

Press releases

Radio interviews


Newspaper/Magazine articles

Project status

Completed: September 2022 to December 2023

Further information

Please email: 


PLACES was funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

Pregnancy Loss Research Group

Pregnancy Loss Research Group, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University College Cork, Fifth Floor, Cork University Maternity Hospital, Wilton, Cork, T12 YE02, Ireland,
