Factors that shape recurrent miscarriage care experiences: findings from a national survey
While overall experience of recurrent miscarriage care was poor, we identified areas that could potentially improve people’s care experiences such as information provision, supportive care, communication, and care coordination across settings.
- Authors
Caragh Flannery, Marita Hennessy, Rebecca Dennehy, Keelin O'Donoghue
- Year
- 2023
- Journal Name
- BMC Health Services Research
- Category
- Journal Article
- Keywords
- Experience, Recurrent miscarriage
- Project
- Full Citation
Flannery C, Hennessy M, Dennehy R, Matvienko-Sikar K, Lucey C, Ui Dhubhgain J, O'Donoghue K. Factors that shape recurrent miscarriage care experiences: findings from a national survey. BMC Health Services Research. 2023;23:317.
- Link to Publication
In a national survey, we aimed to explore the experiences of women and men who received recurrent miscarriage care in Ireland and identify patient-centred care items linked to overall recurrent miscarriage care experience. Between September and November 2021, we invited people who had experienced two or more consecutive first trimester miscarriages over the last 10 years to take part in an online survey. The survey included questions on investigation and treatment for recurrent miscarriage, overall recurrent miscarriage care experience, and patient-centred care items at various stages of the care pathway such as respect for patients’ preferences, information and support, the environment, and involvement of partners/family. Of the 135 women included in our analysis, 24% rated their overall recurrent miscarriage care experience as poor, 36% said the care they received was much worse than expected, and 60% stated health care professionals in different places did not work well together. While overall experience of recurrent miscarriage care was poor, we identified areas that could potentially improve people’s care experiences – which have international relevance – such as information provision, supportive care, communication between healthcare professionals and people with recurrent miscarriage, and care coordination between healthcare professionals across care settings.
Infographic text
- Factors that shape recurrent miscarriage care experiences
- Findings from a national survey of 139 participants who had experienced two or more consecutive first trimester miscarriages
- Recurrent miscarriage care pathway: 44% care was poor; 64% care was worse than expected; 60% staff did not work well together
- Women were more likely to rate a good care experience if: they had a healthcare professional to speak to talk to about their worries/fears for recurrent miscarriage investigations; received a treatment plan; received answers they could understand in a subsequent pregnancy
- We identified areas that could potentially improve care experiences: better information provision and communication between healthcare professionals and people with recurrent miscarriage; supportive care should be central; care coordination between healthcare professionals across care settings.