UCC Students
What kind of events are held in the Hub?
- There will be a lot of different types of events hosted in the Hub, it all depends on how our students, staff, and community want to use the buidling. Societies and clubs will use spaces for meetings and informal gatherings, spaces will be used for talks/seminars, conferences, even farmers markets and concerts can happen in the Hub.
Can Clubs & Societies use the facilities in the Hub?
- Clubs & Societies are relocating to a fabulous new space on the first floor of the Hub. Inside this space there will be computers & printing for committtee members to catch up on admin, and collaborative space for discussing new ideas and coming up with events! Clubs & Society Committees will also be able to book spaces via their respective room booking focial point.
Can I book rooms in the Hub?
- There are 16 small study rooms & 4 larger group study rooms in the Hub. Students will be able to book these rooms directly via the online booking system, Clubs & Society Committees will be able to book spaces in the Hub by contacting their relevant room booking contact on the Societies & Clubs Executives.
- more information here
- https://www.ucc.ie/en/build/roombookings/bookroom/uccstudents-bookinginformation/
What is the Hub?
- The Hub is UCC’s newest building, and your first port-of-call for UCC’s support services & student life organisations. To find out more about what services & spaces will be in the Hub, go to 'Inside the Hub'.
Can I eat my lunch in the Hub?
- Yes you can! We have microwaves and hot water facilities available throughout the Hub, so you can bring in your own food, heat it up, and enjoy it in our designated eating areas. There are also water points on every floor so you can refill your water bottles and stay hydrated!
Can I meet my friends and hang out in the Hub?
- Yes! You are really welcome to come and hang out in your Hub! We have a number of social areas throughout the Hub, which will all have some chairs, couches and nice, bright spaces for you & your friends to hang out in. There will be hot water and microwave facilities in the buidling as well, so you are welcome to eat your own lunch and snacks in designated locations inside the Hub.
Will events in the Hub be open to members of the general public and alumni?
- The Hub will be open to all, so some events might be open to the public, but some might be invite only, or only open to certain groups of students or staff.
What was here before the Hub?
- A series of buildings, the first of which was opened in 1850, stood on the ground that the Hub now rises from. These buildings were mainly used to house the Medicine and Anatomy Departments. The orginal building was known as the Clarendon Building initially, and then it was renamed as the Windle Building in its later years.
Who designed the Hub?
- The award-winning architects behind the Glucksman Gallery and the Cavanagh Bridge, O’Donnell+Tuomey, designed our amazing new Hub. They also designed other university buildings such as The Saw Swee Hock Building in the London School of Economics, and the phase one of the Central European University project in Budapest.