2006 Publications
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An Interior Path Vector Routing Protocol
An Interior Path Vector Routing Protocol by C. Creagh, . Proc. of 31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 169-176, Nov. 2006.
Real-time operation in TinyOS
Real-time operation in TinyOS by Cormac Duffy and John Herbert. In Workshop: Performance control in wireless sensor networks (Networking 2006), April 2006.
An Efficient Resource Management System for a Streaming Media Distribution Network
An Efficient Resource Management System for a Streaming Media Distribution Netwo by Adrian J. Cahill and . International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE), 2006.
On the Sensitivity of Sensor Network Simulations
On the Sensitivity of Sensor Network Simulations by , S. Nawaz, T. Le, S. Jha. In Proceedings of IEEE 63rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), May 2006.
f-MAC: A Deterministic Media Access Control Protocol Without Time Synchronization
f-MAC: A Deterministic Media Access Control Protocol Without Time Synchronizatio by Utz Roedig, Andre Barroso, and . In Proceedings of the third IEEE European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN2006), Zurich, Switzerland, IEEE Computer Society Press, February 2006.
A performance analysis of MANTIS and TinyOS
A performance analysis of MANTIS and TinyOS by Cormac Duffy, John Herbert,Utz Roedig and . Technical Report CS-2006-27-11, University College Cork, Ireland, November 2006.