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University College Cork Humanities Platform

Welcome from Project Leader Hiram Morgan

The UCC Humanities Platform offers a model of inter-departmental, inter-collegiate and national co-operation in the pursuit of 4th level excellence. It is built on collaboration internally at University College Cork, between UCC, TCD and NUIG in the SIF-funded Texts, Contexts, Cultures graduate training scheme, on the CELT digitization project involving North-South links and nationally on theHumanities Serving Irish Societyconsortium which seeks to redefine Arts and Humanities research-led education across the island.

The UCC Humanities Platform is funded by a grant by the Higher Education Authority under PRTLI4. The project leader is Dr Hiram Morgan, () a senior lecturer in the School of History and an established scholar in Early Modern Ireland. The grant was won on the initiative of Professor Dermot Keogh and with the assistance of Gabriel Doherty and Andrew McCarthy. The project’s logo is from the floor of the Honan Chapel - it depicts the salmon of knowledge swimming successfully against the current!

The UCC Humanities Platform

  • is supporting the purchase of primary source materials for the Boole Library
  • is backed by a host of individual scholars from the disciplines in UCC.

Funded by PRTLI Cycle 4

University College Cork

Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh

College Road, Cork T12 K8AF
