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Michelle Doran

Michelle Doran

Michelle Doran is a Texts, Contexts and Cultures PhD Candidate with the School of Irish Learning at University College Cork. Her doctoral thesis is concerned with the application of textual criticism in a Medieval Irish context which to date has received relatively little attention.  Michelle's thesis is to examine the appropriateness of current editorial practice in light of recent debates concerning the textual criticism of other vernacular medieval literature with the intention of suggesting more effective methods of editing and presenting medieval Irish historical and literary texts.  The final section of her thesis will constitute a practical application of any suggested methodologies to the short Irish tale Baile Binnbérlach mac Búain ‘Baile the Sweet-spoken, son of Buan.'

University Eductation

University College Cork.
September 2008 – Present Date
Doctoral Candidate in Early and Medieval Irish.
Interdisciplinary PhD. research programme, Texts, Contexts, Cultures.
September 2005 – May 2008
BA (Joint Arts) in Celtic Civilisation Studies and Greek and Roman Civilisation Studies.
Grade: First Class Honours Degree.

Research Interests

  • Textual Criticism
  • Orality and Literacy in Early Medieval Ireland
  • Digital Humanities

Conference Papers

-Textual Criticism and Baile Binnbérlach mac Búain,' Early English Texts Society, May 2010.

-‘Codifying the Oral Text: Examples from Medieval Irish Literature,' Borderlines Postgraduate Conference, 10 April 2010.

-‘Baile Binnbérlach mac Búain: Cultures and Communications’ presented as part of Texts, Contexts, Cultures communications workshop, University College Cork, 25 March 2010.


- Forum for Medieval and Renaissance Studies in Ireland

- Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature

Funded by PRTLI Cycle 4

University College Cork

Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh

College Road, Cork T12 K8AF
