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Jasper Melle van der Schaaf


2012-2016, BSc. Food Technology, Van Hall Larenstein, the Netherlands

Specialization in process engineering and dairy technology

Internship projects: 

Royal Friesland Campina, Philippines, optimization of food safety systems for a sweet condensed and evaporated milk plant.

Royal Cosun, Aviko, the Netherlands, optimization of the potato blanching process.


2016-2018, MSc. Food Technology, Wageningen University, the Netherlands

Specialization in product development

Internship projects:

Nestlé Research and development, Konolfingen, Low acid, UHT product development


2018-2019, Product development specialist

NestlĂ© Research and DevelopmentKonolfingen 

School of Food and Nutritional Sciences

School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Room 240 Food Science Building, University College, Cork
