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School Policies and Forms


Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else's work as your own. When done deliberately, it is cheating, since it is an attempt to claim credit for work not done by you and fails to give credit for the work of others. Plagiarism applies not just to text, but to software, graphics, tables, formulae, or any representation of ideas in print, electronic or any other media.

UCC Policy on Plagiarism

All students are required to read, to understand, and to comply with the UCC Policy on Plagiarism, which may be found on line at  

Submitting Original and Existing Work

In general, you should write all coursework in your own words.

Coursework includes but not limited to:

  • Programming assignments
  • Literature reviews
  • Abstracts and summaries
  • Thesis 

Submitting Existing Software

As a general rule:

  • For assignments you are not allowed to submit existing software unless the lecturer clearly indicates that this is allowed. Please consult with your course lecturer if you are unsure whether you are allowed to submit existing software for assignments
  • For your thesis, you are usually allowed to submit (small) parts of existing software. Please consult with your project supervisor if you are unsure whether you are allowed to re-use existing software for your thesis

Submitting Work from Others

If you wish to quote small portions of text, include images, software, or other work created by others, you need to make it clear that you are doing so. You usually do this by putting quotation marks around quoted text and by including citations. Please note that pictures and diagrams in books and papers may be copyrighted, in which case you need explicit permission from the copyright holder.

Please note that if you acknowledge the original source, your lecturers/examiners will know that you are aware of the source, for which you can receive credit in the form of marks. If you fail to acknowledge the source, your lecturers/examiners cannot give you any credit for using the source. When failing to acknowledge the source is a deliberate, this is a form of cheating, which may result in awarding a zero mark.

Citing Existing Software

As with any work written by others, if you submit (parts of) existing software as part of your coursework, you should always give proper credit to the original author(s). In addition, you should clearly indicate which parts of these software are yours and which are not.

  • In a program listing you should indicate this using comments
  • In a report, literature review, or thesis you should also indicate the source of the software in the running text, which should include a proper citation

Health & Safety Guidelines for Students

Students and staff are at all times expected to adopt a responsible attitude to all matters concerning health and safety at UCC. Under the current Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act students/staff have a legal responsibility to consider their own safety, must cooperate at all times in implementing laboratory safety policy of UCC, must use the safety equipment provided, must report accidents or unsafe practices and must not interfere with the School safety policy.

It is expected that students will adhere strictly to the instructions of academic, technical and research staff when carrying out practical work.

Emergency evacuation drills/fire alarms

If the fire alarm sounds please leave the building as quickly as possible by the nearest exit and follow instruction of the fire marshalls.

School First Aider

Contact School Office ext. 5892


  • Food and beverages are not allowed in the laboratories – food contamination on the mouse and keyboards are serious health risk
  • Remove all trip hazards (rucksacks, clothing etc.) from walking areas
  • Please remove all items from the laboratory when you are leaving
  • Do not provide access to the laboratory to other non-Computer Science students
  • Report any hazards (obstacles, cables, etc.) to School Office, Rm 1.28
  • Note the UCC acceptable usage policy regarding online usage. See link listed below.
  • Pay attention to existing signage in the laboratories
  • If you find items in labs that do not belong to you, please bring to the School Office, Rm 1.28
  • Please remember that the laboratories are a working environment and noise should be kept at a minimum
  • Dispose of all waste in the refuse bins provided

Lab Rules

In order to keep the Computer Facilities to a high standard and to be available to all, there are certain rules that must be enforced.

NOTE All labs in the Western Gateway Building are monitored by CCTV.

Offenses which will result in user account being disabled include:

  1. Consuming food and drink in the lab. In the Western Gateway Building, there are plenty of breakout areas, and alternative areas to eat in.There is absolutely NO eating OR drinking permitted in any computer lab. This aspect will be policed and enforced by Facilities Management, and will not be tolerated.
  2. Excessive noise, which is disruptive to students trying to study.
  3. Games which generate excessive network traffic or otherwise cause disruption to services or other users.
  4. Not having valid student ID card.
  5. Sharing swipe card or account details.
  6. Connecting unauthorized equipment, particularly laptops to the college wired network.
  7. Not abiding by the Acceptable Usage Policy of UCC ( PLEASE READ) see


Actions to be taken following breach of Rules:

The account will remain disabled until the user calls to the help-desk to discuss why their account was disabled. There will be a minimum suspend period, varying in line with the seriousness of the offense.

School of Computer Science and Information Technology

Scoil na Ríomheolaíochta agus na Teicneolaíochta Faisnéise

School of Computer Science and Information Technology, Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, Ireland
