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Information Strategy and Education Resources Committee (ISER)

General purpose:  A Standing Committee of Academic Council which is responsible for bringing forward strategy and policy in support of the University’s information services and educational resources to ensure the effectiveness of these in meeting the learning, teaching, information and management requirements of UCC.  The Committee also advises on national and international good practice in these matters.  

The Committee liaises closely with the Learning and Teaching Committee in areas of common interest associated with e-learning and staff development in the use of ICT for educational purposes and is advised on these matters by the Sub Committee for E-Learning (a joint Sub Committee of the Learning and Teaching Committee and the Information Strategy and Education Resources Committee).

The Committee shall consult with relevant University Officers as appropriate in relation to specific items and issues of potential significant impact to the University (particularly in relation to resources). 

The Committee shall undertake any other appropriate duties or tasks assigned to it by Academic Board or Academic Council from time to time.

Reports to:  Academic Board on matters concerning delegated authority and is advisory to Academic Council on policy matters within its remit.

Terms of Reference:

1. Strategy and Policy

To bring forward for initial consideration by Academic Board:

a) Proposals for the University’s information and education resources strategies to ensure co-ordinated delivery and continued fitness-for-purpose.
b) Identify resource requirements to achieve and implement the strategies in these areas and suggest criteria for prioritisation.
c) Guidance on the implications of national and international developments in information technology for the strategic development of the University’s information systems and education resources.
d) Proposals for the further development of the student e-learning platform to enable and promote the University’s E-Learning Strategy.
e) Policy and proposals on acceptable use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) at UCC, including options for the use of social networking sites for institutional purposes.
f) Contribute to the University’s goal to provide high quality, accurate and timely information to students, staff, external bodies and other stakeholders.

2. Executive functions

Under delegated authority from Academic Council to:

a) To establish mechanisms to ensure staff and student compliance with information and education resource policies and procedures.
b) Consider and recommend arrangements for the evaluation of UCC’s strategy and policy in information and education resources in consultation with the Learning and Teaching Committee, the Research and Innovation Committee, College Councils, and central departments as appropriate.
c) To determine and publicise good practice in the use of ICT in support of learning and teaching at UCC, and more generally as appropriate.

3. Oversight function

a) To evaluate and monitor the implementation of the University’s information and education resources strategies.
b) To advise on strategic ICT-related projects and developments, their evaluation and  prioritisation to meet the University’s Strategic Plan objectives.
c) Receive and consider an annual report from the Librarian evaluating information and education resource provision, and outcomes from quality reviews where relevant, and to   propose action as appropriate.

4. Other business as require

a) To submit to the Board minutes from each meeting of the Committee and to report on specific matters as requested.
b) To advise Academic Board and Academic Council on such matters that Academic Board or Academic Council may refer to the Committee from time to time.

Delegation of authority

The Information Strategy and Education Resources Committee retains the overall responsibilities defined in its terms of reference as approved by Academic Council.  The Committee may establish sub-committees to enable it to fulfil its remit and to which it may delegate functions with the approval of Academic Council.   The Committee may also establish working groups from time to time to assist in its work.  Sub-Committees and working groups shall operate in accordance with the procedures set down in the Academic Council Committee Handbook.  

Sub Committee:

Sub Committee for E-Learning (a joint Sub Committee of the Learning and Teaching Committee and the Information Strategy and Education Resources Committee)

Reserved Business

None approved by Academic Council.

Frequency of Meetings

The Committee shall meet up to 4 times per year or as directed by Academic Council.


Appointed by the President

Professor Dave Sammon

Ex Officio: 



Paul O’Donovan (nominee)

Librarian and Director of Information Services

Mr John Fitzgerald

Director of Library Services

Ms Collette McKenna

Director of IT Services

Dr Ger Culley

Head of Academic Systems Administration

John McNulty

Student Union Education Officer

Sinead Roche (2021-2022)

1 academic staff member from each College, nominated by the College


Dr Finola Doyle-O’Neill


Dr Darius Whelan 


Dr Dave Otway



4 members of Academic Council nominated by Academic Council


Dr Michael Cronin


Dr Siobhan Lucey (Economics)





Co-opted members
Up to 3 members approved by Academic Council 


Postgraduate Student's Union Rep

Rory O'Donnell

Committee Secretary

LInformation Services

Ms Grace McGlynn

 Approved by Academic Council 28th January 2011









Academic Affairs and Governance

Gnothaí Acadúla agus Rialú
