Digital Badges Sub-Committee
1. Statement of purpose
A Digital Badge Sub Committee (DBSC) will be formally established which shall report to the Academic Development and Standards Committee (ADSC) and be responsible for the oversight, strategic development and implementation of policies and procedures related to the issuing of digital badges by UCC as well as the assurance of quality, standards and compliance with relevant data protection legislation working to best practice in Information Management (IM) and Digital Education (DE). The DBSC will be established in line with the Policy Framework for UCC Digital Badges. Their purpose is:
- The overall governance and strategic development of UCC Digital Badges.
- The implementation of the Policy Framework for UCC Digital Badges.
- To approve the development and issuing of digital badges by UCC in line with Stage Gate Approval Process, Standards and Scored Assessment.
- To inform and make recommendations to the ADSC or other University governing bodies in relation to the effective management and governance of UCC Digital Badges.
2. Membership and meetings
Membership: The membership of the committee shall be approved by the ADSC and shall comprise a membership of not more than
ten members with the relevant skill sets including representatives from OVPTL, Career Services and the Registrar’s office.
Frequency of meetings: The Sub Committee shall meet monthly and report annually to the ADSC. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be 3, which shall include a representative of OVPTL. A duly convened meeting of the Sub Committee at which a quorum is present shall be competent to exercise all or any of the authorities, powers and discretions vested in or exercisable by the Committee.
3. Terms of reference
The Sub Committee shall:
- Review and progress strategic actions to enable the longer opportunity for digital badges in UCC aligned to the University’s strategic vision, values and objectives;
- Review and have general oversight of the effectiveness of policy and procedure;
- Oversee the implementation of the Policy Framework for Digital Badges and management of issues including quality, organisational capacity, and information management.
- Review compliance with relevant externally-generated policy, legislation, EU Directives associated with digital badges in HEI, TEL and IM.
- Provide general oversight of policies and processes regarding security and data protection issues to ensure the University's compliance with relevant legislation, relevant regulations, standards and codes of practice;
- Ensure issues of equality and staff welfare are addressed within HR policies and procedures;
- Ensure re appeals, disputes or complaints are appropriately addressed through existing University policy and procedures.
- Review and progress provisions for associated and relevant communications or training for staff across the institution considered necessary for successful implementation of UCC Digital Badge initiatives;
- Receive monthly dashboard information on the delivery of digital badges in UCC and monitor the use and take up of digital badges in UCC;
- Receive and consider proposals from individuals or groups within UCC interested in developing and issuing a UCC Digital Badge;
- Formally approve proposals and validated earners for the issuing of UCC Digital Badges in line with the Stage Gate Approvals Process and based on the Scored Assessment of a minimum of 4 reviewers;
- Submit an annual report to Governing Body on the work of the Sub Committee;
- Exercise such powers and additional functions as Governing Body may approve from time to time.
4. Delegated Authority
Under delegated authority from ADSC to establish such strategic project, operational teams or working groups as the Sub Committee deems necessary to comply with these Terms of Reference; to ensure appropriate policy, processes and practices are in place, to assure compliance with relevant legislation and directives and to approve reporting to the University as appropriate.
5. Reporting arrangements
Sub Committee shall report at least annually and additionally as necessary to the ADSC.
6. Period of office
The period of office of the Sub Committee on Staff shall be contemporaneous and coterminous with the period of office of the ADSC
7. Administrative support
Administrative support to the Committee shall be provided by the OVPTL.
8. Information and contact
Chair: Professor Liam Marnane
Administrative Support: Centre for Digital Education, OVPTL
Current members
Membership as of 18-7-2024
Chair |
Professor Liam Marnane |
Vice President for Learning and Teaching |
Professor Paul McSweeney |
Head of Student Records and Examinations Office |
Eleanor Fitzgerald |
Head of Digital Education |
Mr Tom O’Mara |
Students’ Union Education Officer |
Alison Ní Threasaigh (2024-2025) |
Ex-officio members (with relevant expertise) |
Adult Continuing Education |
Helena O’Connor |
Microcredentials |
Mags Arnold |
Katie Sandham (formerly of CPD) |
UCC Careers Service |
Deirdre Parker |
Academic Programmes and Regulations |
tbc |
Academic Representatives |
Dr Dave Otway |
Dr Simon Woodworth |
Committee Secretary |
Eugene Campbell |
Approved Academic Council 19-01-18