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Module Coordinator – Roles & Responsibilities

Version number: 1.0

Reviiosn Date: 2 February 2022

Approval Body: Academic board 2 February 2022

Review: 5 years 

Policy Owner: Academic Secretary  


Module Coordinator

Each module must have a named Coordinator, appointed by the Head of Academic Unit (or delegated authority), who must be a permanent (full-time or part-time) or fixed-term whole-time member of academic staff with responsibility for teaching and examining the module.
Note 1: In certain circumstances, and subject to prior approval of the Head of School/Department/Functional Area, non-academic staff may be the named Module Coordinator. In such instances, the Head must be satisfied that the non- academic staff member is suitably qualified to carry out the roles and responsibilities of Module Coordinator.
Note 2: The Head of School/Department/Functional Area has ultimate responsibility for all modules in a given subject area, and should be included where a Coordinator is not assigned.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • The Module Coordinator ensures compliance with the approved University module policy (here) and checks that the module description is proof-read and ready for publication on the University website and aligns with all other publications (e.g. Handbooks etc).
  • The module coordinator is accountable to the Head of Academic Unit or Programme Coordinator or Chair of the Programme Board.
  • The Module Coordinator will also act as the Principal Examiner for that module along with the module team as internal examiners and is also responsible for gathering feedback from students.
  • The named UCC Module Coordinator will be responsible for assuring the quality of teaching, learning and assessment of the module and proof-reading for publication on UCC systems and for ensuring alignment to policy and module description by all contributors to the module.

The Module Coordinator is responsible for:

  1. Checking and validating the transfer of data into the Curriculum Management System;1
  2. Notifying the Programme Coordinator/ Head of Academic Unit on the staffing and other resources needed for the module;
  3. Ensuring that the teaching and assessment of the module complies with the details documented in the module descriptor;
  4. Liaising locally with the nominated person regarding timetabling needs;
  5. Ensuring students have access to the required learning materials including CANVAS;
  6. Communicating appropriately with students prior to and during the delivery of the module including the operation of module surveys (local or university-wide);
  7. Delivering or overseeing the teaching of the module as outlined in the module descriptor;
  8. Maintaining the currency of the curriculum content;
  9. Providing assessment deadlines to the Programme Coordinator prior to the commencement of the module to enable programme assessment matrices to be created.
  10. The assessment of the module including the co-ordination of marking and moderation and the preparation of examination results for local and University Examination Boards including communication with the External Examiner as necessary;
  11. Evaluating the operation of the module and contributing to the evaluation of the programmes of which the module forms a part using student data, student feedback and extern feedback.
  12. Consulting with the Programme Board (or wherever the module is taught) around any proposed changes to the module and its impact for programmes;
  13. Making necessary changes to the module on the CIM System to keep the module descriptor up to date and in response to Extern and student feedback.
  14. Checking and proof-reading the module description and ensuring it aligns with the University approved Module Policy (here) and submit changes via the CIM system for Stage 1 approval according to the annual schedule approved by Academic Board.
  15. Responding to queries and requests for changes/corrections following review at Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 approval.
  16. Familiarising themselves with all policies relevant to Teaching and Learning that are necessary to carry out Module Coordinator duties. 

 1 For the first year of CIM Modules

Related Documents

Module Policy for CIM Modules

Roles and Responsibilities of the Academic Programme Director

Contact for Further Information

Chair of Academic Developments and Standards Committee

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