Red and Orange Weather Warnings - Campus Opening Affected
Due to the red and orange wind weather warnings from Met Éireann, the opening of all UCC campuses is delayed until 12pm (noon) on Fri 24 Jan 2025.
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Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus population trends in relation to wind farms
The latest paper from the WINDHARRIER project looking at interactions between Hen Harriers and wind energy developments is now available
online. Using data from the national Hen Harrier surveys and wind farm locations, we found a considerable geographical and altitudinal overlap between Hen Harrier breeding distribution and wind farms in Ireland. We also found a marginally non-significant negative relationship between Hen Harrier population trends and wind farm presence in areas of overlap. Future work using data from the latest survey (2015) will allow us to better understand how these developments are affecting one of Ireland’s most endangered birds. Mark Wilson, DarÃo Fernández-Bellon, Sandra Irwin, John O'Halloran. 2016. Hen Harrier
Circus cyaneus population trends in relation to wind farms.
Bird Study, online. [doi: 10.1080/00063657.2016.1262815]