Dr. Rafael Pérez Torres
Rafael PĂ©rez Torres is a Post-Doctoral researcher within the CONNECT/MISL group in the School of Computer Science and Information Technology, University College Cork (UCC), Ireland. He received his PhD in Computer Science from CINVESTAV, Mexico in 2018.
Currently he is working in a research project related to intelligent storage management for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), under the supervision of Prof. Cormac Sreenan.
In 2019, Rafael received the Arturo Rosenblueth Award for his PhD work in the field of Technology and Engineering Sciences. The Rosenblueth Award (CINVESTAV founder) is the maximum distinction given by CINVESTAV to its graduated PhDs across Mexico.
Rafael has been also awarded with the Candidate Level membership to the National System of Researchers (SNI in Spanish) in Mexico.
Research Interests
His research interests are mainly with the design and development of efficient (energy, computing) context-aware systems for connected devices, and on the adoption of cognitive features to enable IoT - Cyber Physical Systems with self-decision making towards defined goals. This aims at the distributed intelligence of connected devices and to develop scalable systems for the benefit of populations.
He also has experience as a Software Developer for mobile (Android) and web server applications.
[Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9chVwYAAAAAJ&hl=en]