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2012 Publications


The GINSENG System for Wireless Monitoring and Control: Design and Deployment Experiences by T. O'Donovan, J. Brown, F. Busching, A. Cardoso, J. Cecelio, J. do O, P. Furtado, P. Gil, A, Jugel, W-B. Pottner, U. Roedig, J. sa Silva, R. Silva, , V. Vassiliou, T. Voigt, L. Wolf, Z. Zinonos. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), accepted for publication in Dec. 2012. To appear - see Abstract.

Towards Utility-based Resource Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

Towards Utility-based Resource Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

by I.Tsompanidis, , . Proc. of 7th ACM International Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture (MobiArch), ACM MOBICOM Conference, August 2012.

Double multiagent architecture for dynamic triage of victims in emergency scenarios

Double multiagent architecture for dynamic triage of victims in emergency scenar

by E. Mercadal, S. Robles, R. Marti, , J. Borrell. Progress in Artificial Intelligence (Springer), Volume 1, Issue 2, pp 183-191, July 2012.

Data Pre-Forwarding for Opportunistic Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks

Data Pre-Forwarding for Opportunistic Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Network

by X. Wu, K.N. Brown, . Proc. of 9th IEEE International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS), June 2012. (Invited paper).

Client-Side Framework for Automated Evaluation of Mechanisms to Improve HTTP Performance

Client-Side Framework for Automated Evaluation of Mechanisms to Improve HTTP Per

by P. Davern, N. Nashid, , . Journal of Networks, Vol. 7, No. 11, Nov. 2012.

Resource-Aware Video Multicasting via Access Gateways in Wireless Mesh Networks

Resource-Aware Video Multicasting via Access Gateways in Wireless Mesh Networks

by W. Tu, , C.T. Chou, A. Mishra, S. Jha. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 881-895, accepted April 2011, published April 2012.

Fault-Tolerant Relay Deployment Based on Length-Constrained Connectivity and Rerouting Centrality in Wireless Sensor Networks

Fault-Tolerant Relay Deployment Based on Length-Constrained Connectivity and Rer

by L. Sitanayah, K.N. Brown, . Proc. of 9th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), Feb. 2012.

Restoring Wireless Sensor Network Connectivity in Damaged Environments

Restoring Wireless Sensor Network Connectivity in Damaged Environments

by T. Truong, K.N. Brown, .  Proc. of International Workshop on Cooperative Robots and Sensor Networks (RoboSense). August 2012.

SDC: Scalable Description Coding for Adaptive Streaming Media

SDC Scalable Description Coding for Adaptive Streaming Media

by J. Quinlan, , .  Proc. of 19th IEEE International Packet Video Workshop (PV2012), May 2012.

CMSE: A Network Element for Assistive Media Steaming

CMSE: A Network Element for Assistive Media Steaming

by J. Quinlan, , . Proc. of 11th Information Technology and Telecommunication Conference (IT&T), Mar. 2012. (Poster/Short paper).

Problem decomposition for evacuation simulation using network flow

Problem decomposition for evacuation simulation using network flow

by S. Murphy, K.N. Brown, . Proc. of 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), October 2012.

Multiple Sink and Relay Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks

Multiple Sink and Relay Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks

by Lanny Sitanayah, K.N. Brown, . Proc. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Telecommunications and Sensor Networks (WAITS), at European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), August 2012.

Analysis of SmartPhone User Mobility Traces for Opportunistic Data Collection

Analysis of SmartPhone User Mobility Traces for Opportunistic Data Collection

by X. Wu, K.N. Brown, . Workshop on Mobile Data Challenge by Nokia, held at PERVASIVE Conference, June 2012.

Optimising Internet Access over Satellite Backhaul

Optimising Internet Access over Satellite Backhaul

by P. Davern, N. Nashid Islam, . Proc. of 11th Information Technology and Telecommunication Conference (IT&T), Mar. 2012. (Invited paper).

Class-based Bandwidth Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

Class-based Bandwidth Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

by I.Tsompanidis, , . Proc. of 11th Information Technology and Telecommunication Conference (IT&T), Mar. 2012. (Poster/Short paper).

Mobile and Internet Systems Laboratory

Department of Computer Science, Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, Ireland.
