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Research Funding Opportunities

Undergraduate Research Funding Opportunities
  • School of Medicine Undergraduate Research Travel Grant
  • Medical Research Supplement Award
  • Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
  • The Sheppard Memorial Prize
  • HRB Summer Student Scholarships
  • Welcome Trust Biomedical Vacation Scholarships

Undergraduate Research Funding Opportunities

Postgraduate Research Funding Opportunities

Postgraduate Research Funding Opportunities


All applicants to School of Medicine funded research should appraise themselves of the application timeframes and associated approval timeframes for those projects that require CREC approval. Click here for more information 

RPAC advises applicants to contact CREC well in advance of submission of their application to appraise themselves of the most up to date application form and conditions for approval of applications. RPAC recommends potential applicants that it is advisable to have submitted your research for CREC approval before submitting your request for research funding.

College of Medicine and Health interdisciplinary Seed Awards (CiSA)

The CiSA seed funding scheme is made available by the UCC College of Medicine and Health (CoMH) to provide an opportunity for new research collaborations between CoMH staff in the member Schools (Clinical Therapies, Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing and Midwifery, Pharmacy and Public Health) and all healthcare aligned staff in affiliated clinical institutions.

The remit of CiSA is to promote collaborative translational research within the UCC CoMH and affiliated healthcare aligned services. It is envisaged that in particular, CiSA will facilitate the development of clinical and non-clinical researcher collaborations across all CoMH Schools and affiliated healthcare aligned services. 

For further information, please click on the following web links:

CiSA information

School of Medicine

Scoil an Leighis

Room 2.59, T12 AK54
