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Irish Course for Students

Course Summary

This interactive course in spoken Irish is available to any student of UCC. 

The course will focus on the following:

  • Helping students to communicate fluently and clearly through the medium of Irish.
  • Information will be made available relating to Irish language activities and events.
  • Conversation relating to the students own life, University life as well as current affairs and Irish language matters.

Every UCC student is welcome to apply for this course, especially if you are interested in the Irish language, if you want to improve your Irish, if you would like to use Irish in the workplace or if you are studying Irish as an academic subject in UCC.

Students do not have to sit an exam as part of this course.  We aim to give students a chance to study Irish in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.  An attendance certificate will be presented to students that regularly attend classes. 

Please note that this course isn't suitable for complete beginners.  Click here if you require information on our beginners course.

Course Details - Spring 2025

Course Dates: week commencing 3 February 2025 – week commencing 17 March 2025* (1 hour every week for 7 weeks). Please let us know when you are unavailable to attend your class on the application form. We will try to arrange a class for you at a time that is suitable for you. 

Location: All classes will be held on campus.  

Deadline for Applications: Thursday, 23 January 2025.

Class Details: Full details about your class will be sent to your Umail account on or before Wednesday, 29 January 2025.

* an extra class will be arranged for students who will miss a class due to a bank holiday/St Patrick's Day.




Here are the steps involved in registering for this course.

  1. Please fill in this application form. You may be asked to login to access this form.
  2. When the application form has been submitted a link to will appear on the screen. This page can be used to pay for the course.

Contact Details

Karol Coleman
Course Administrator

Ionad na Gaeilge Labhartha

Centre for Spoken Irish

Room ORB G02, O'Rahilly Building, College Road, Cork
