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Staff: Working together to deliver our Graduate Attributes Programme

Our Graduate Attributes have been created to allow each college, school and discipline to adopt them and embed them explicitly into the curriculum, and for each Student Experience Unit to encompass and embed within extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. 

We want our UCC graduates to be recognised as well-rounded, curious, self-aware individuals who continually learn new skills, are open to new ideas, and make things happen. As a UCC student, they belong to a dynamic and diverse community where many, many people wish to support them on their learning journey. We liken this journey to the growth of an acorn to an oak tree. The “Acorn to Mighty Oak” metaphor symbolises a student's academic, personal and professional development journey throughout their time at UCC. 

Embedding Graduate Attributes in the Curriculum

Our graduate attributes have been created to allow each college, school and discipline to adopt them and embed them explicitly into the curriculum. Graduate attributes have been built into the CIM Programmes system. When updating/uploading your programme to CIM, you will be requested to complete the graduate attributes feature and select which graduate attributes your programme supports students in developing.

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Transition In to UCC

For students who are deciding on what course is right for them, or to help students in transitioning to university life, you can signpost them to the free, online programme, Nurturing Bright FuturesMy Year Planner will allow students to capture and make sense of the year gone by and plan ahead for the one to come, while the Keep Well website signposts many resources that help students to look after their health and wellbeing, both physical and mental.  Why not ask your students to watch the Developing A Growth Mindset video? The Virtual Reality Tours of Campus will help students to navigate their way around our beautiful campus, while the Success Zone is full of information and learning materials that students will need while settling into and journeying through their time in college. 

Transition Through UCC

Your UCC Graduate Attributes and Values Compass is a self-reflective tool that all students will have access to in order to reflect on UCC's attributes and values.  Success, it's in your nature will introduce students to the many different ways they can access, enjoy and engage with nature at UCC; while the Finding Your Tribe video is a short animated video encouraging students to get engaged with University life and find their tribe!  Silvercloud is a series of modules designed to help students improve and maintain their wellbeing by addressing underlying issues that can have a negative impact.  University Wide Modules are a fantastic way for students to broaden their learning for no extra fee.  The Skills Centre Digital Badges are another excellent way in which students can improve and increase their knowledge and skills.  

In-person learning: make the most of your degree

This campaign was recently launched in collaboration with the College of Business and Law. It aims to support students to make the most of their degree with in-person learning. It encourages the effective use of academic time, the development of core lifelong skills, graduate attributes and values, and creating a healthy routine. Click below to access the dedicated campaign webpage, bespoke infographics and videos.

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Transition Out of UCC

The EmployAgility Award is a professional skills development programme, which demonstrates that students have engaged in, and developed professional skills through extra-curricular activities and work experience.  CareerSet is an online tool which students can access to help improve or develop a CV.  Why not ask your students to watch a series of Transition Out Videos which have been designed to help students transition to the workplace.  The Big Interview tool provides a full training course and powerful A.I. practice tool for students to work towards creating the best possible interview answers as well as a good interview presence.  Encouraging students to become involved in Mentoring can also be hugely beneficial for them.  Allow students to IGNITE their interest and join an international award winning business incubation programme supporting recent graduate entrepreneurs turn good ideas into great businesses.

GAP Resource HUB

The GAP Resource HUB is an easy to use SharePoint site that provides UCC staff with a huge array of fantastic resources to use as they please.  These resources were produced by GAP and various other contributors throught the University.  It includes:

  •  Infographics, worksheets and posters
  • Graphics, logos, avatars etc.
  • UCC campus and building images
  • Videos
  • Information and guides on GAP projects and much more

UCC Student Stories Podcast

On the pod, we interview students who have developed a certain attribute or value throughout their time in university by harnessing opportunities, overcoming a range of challenges, and getting involved in college life. Throughout this podcast series, #BeginBelongBecome is our running theme. If you would like to come on board and record a podcast with us, please get in touch!

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Graduate Attributes Programme

5, Brighton Villas, (First Floor) Western Road, University College Cork, T12 EC95
