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[6] A Review of Human Prison Diseases and the relationship of the new variant of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. (Invited Review) *Keohane C, Hospital Doctor of Ireland 1997 3:2;11-15 [7] New Variant CJD – an unfolding story. (Invited Review) *Keohane C. Forum, (Journal of the Irish College of General Practitioners) 1998, 15, 3, 16-21. [8] Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease with emphasis on the New Variant (Invited Review). *Keohane C. An Bord Althranais News. 1998, 10, 2, 4-8. [9] New Variant CJD – an update (Invited Review) *Keohane C. Converse (Journal of the Academy of Medical Laboratory Science). 2000, 30, 5, 15-18. [10] Pulvinar sign on MRI images in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.(Invited Editorial) *Keohane C. Lancet. 2000 22;355 (9213):1384 [11] Some Aspects of Neuropathology in Central Nervous System Disease Diagnosis.(Invited Editorial) *Keohane C. Editorial Irish Medical Journal 2008, 101, 198-200.
Cork NeuroScience CNS Centre - Integrating Clinical and Basic Research